Page 1 of Peter
It feels good to be back home. I have been gone for a few months overseas supervising a new resort Asher and I designed together. I wish I could have Asher around for my business when I was just starting out building hotels and resorts. But luckily for me, I can get them to help out on projects now.
This new project is different than any other resort hotel I have ever seen, and I can’t wait to see the final product. Even though I am excited about this latest resort, this might be my last new build, as a matter of fact, I am getting tired of the day-to-day. I began this company at twenty-two years old when I turned one dilapidated hotel into a multibillion-dollar business.
Over the years I was so busy running it I did not notice that I was missing anything or that I was growing tired of running this business until I met and fell in love with Savannah Errington now Gideon. I went from being a single man with no family to having a daughter, grandchildren, and even a couple of great grands. Savvy’s family took me in as one of theirs and I did likewise.
With Savvy’s marriage to Joshua Gideon, I also became a part of the Gideon Clan. They are an amazing group of sought-after businessmen. Being at the hotel that day was definitely the right place, at the right time. That’s the only reason why I am back home now is that my grandkids are graduating from college next weekend, and I have no intention of missing that.
I end up at Savvy’s house and just like I hoped Jaasiel has cooked. He has made rib eye, sous vide then pan-seared with fresh herb and garlic compound butter, asparagus, and hasselback potatoes. And as usual, he has made enough for a small army. We are sitting outside by the pool in the outdoor dining room talking, laughing, and having a great time.
“Are we all set for the graduation party for the kids?” Jaasiel inquires.
“Umm,” Savvy begins.
“Of course, we are!” Joshua proclaims.
“Savvy, what are the kids' plans after college? Saint is doing well as the head football coach; they won their division game. I’m sure Division 1 schools will be trying to recruit him soon,” I say. thinking out loud.
“And that little walking menace is going to be the athletic academic advisor,” Atlas says with a laugh.
“Are they even going to take her seriously?” Aryan asks.
“Her brother is not going to let any of them walk over her, but have you met Skai? She is not about to let anyone treat her any kind of way,” Savvy tells us.
“And what about Shep?” I ask
“I am not sure what he is planning on doing with his double major in Business Administration and Marketing with a minor in finance degree,” Savvy says. “I wasn’t surprised that that was what he went to school for, he seems to have a knack for all things business.”
“Hmm, I have noticed that,” I say as ideas begin to form in my mind. “Where is everyone else?” I ask as I look around the table. Joseph, Asher, and Anson are nowhere to be seen.
“I think they all had dates,” True speculates.
“That’s different, I thought you were the ladies’ man, Jabarri, but I haven’t seen you go out on a date in a while,” I look over to him and he’s gazing into his plate like it holds the meaning of life.
“I have other things to do right now. Maybe if the right woman crosses my path, but until then I’m good,” he says, and I have my own thoughts as to why he suddenly stopped running through women.But I will keep my thoughts to myself.
“Well let me know what I’m doing to help out with the party,” I tell Savvy.
“All you want to do is spoil those kids, Peter,” Savvy says
“As is my right as their grandPeter,” I tell her. As we eat and plan a graduation party my mind wanders back to the hotel and my future.
I jerk my attention back to the conversation and realize Savvy has been calling my name and I was completely zoned out thinking about retiring.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” I ask.
“What’s on your mind, Peter? I have never seen you not focused, even when you're being a smart ass,” Savvy says.
“I was thinking of gifting the kids with hotels of their own as graduation gifts,” I say to get Savvy going to distract her. And she does not disappoint, she goes off on me. With as much money as Savannah is surrounded by, she still hates to spend any or have any spent on her or her children and grandkids. I wonder how long it’s going to take for her to accept the fact that all the men in her life are going to spoil them. Josh doesn’t give a damn what she says and buys her what he wants to buy her. He leans over and kisses her, effectively killing her tirade. I just shake my head at her, and she opens her mouth to go off on me again when Josh stops her again.
“Baby, cut it out. We all know we are going to spoil the kids, you gotta accept that. They are good kids, and they work hard, let them get spoiled,” he says. Only Joshua can talk Savvy off the ledge. The way he looks at her brings long-forgotten memories to the forefront of my mind, but I ruthlessly force them away. Once WWIII is averted we talk, eat, and laugh some more until I take my leave. Savannah walks me to the door.
“I don’t know what’s going on Peter, but I am here when you want to talk,” she tells me softly. I pull her into a hug and kiss her on her cheek.
“Watch it, Bennett! Just because Savvy loves you doesn’t mean you can’t come up missing! Hands and lips off my wife,” Josh says on his way to the kitchen, dishes in hand.
“I’ll work on my part for the party, and we’ll meet again soon,” I say as I walk out completely overlooking her offer to talk.
I get in my car and head home, and for the first time ever I do not look forward to the solitude. I always felt like it was my sanctuary but tonight it just feels lonely. It’s not what most people expect, with the money I have but I had something built that suited me.
It sits on eighteen acres of land, six bedrooms eight baths nine thousand square foot home is smaller than people expect, but it fits me perfectly. I love the open concept, hardwood floors, and fireplaces. And the outdoor space is wonderful giving guests multiple places to gather. I enter through the garage and the RFID chip I have in my hand automatically unlocks the door and disarms the alarm.
Instead of heading up to bed I head to my office and log into my computer and begin looking at my business, how many hotels and resorts I have, and where. I’m ready to make some changes but I need to put into motion some things I have been thinking about tonight. If I play my cards right, I can retire and know things are in good hands, the only problem I have is what to do once I no longer have the business to oversee. Maybe I’ll learn how to crochet or knit, I think as I laugh to myself. My eyes are getting tired, so I log out, go to my suite, and get ready for bed, tomorrow is a busy day.