Page 11 of Peter
“Or,” I say, “the kids will end up with one dad.” I take a sip of my peach lemonade.
“This motherfuc…!”
“William, Peter. Cut it out this is not the time or the place,” Savvy says. I look over to him and wink. At that moment the kids come over since the crowd is gone and only family is left.
“Well since it’s just us I guess it’s time to give y’all my gifts to you. Even though there is more than enough room here a Gideon manor I know you guys would like to have your privacy, so these are for you,” I say as I hand them small jewelry boxes.
Shepp opens his box first and finds keys, he takes the keys out and looks up at me and I hand him the deed to the house I bought for him as a graduation gift. “Also come and see me Monday at the hotel there are a few things I want to discuss with you,” I tell him as he hugs me. Skai opens her box and finds the same thing. “For you and of course Alayna… if you want,” I whisper to her. Robin makes a disgusted noise we all chose to ignore.
“Thank you grandPeter! I cannot wait to decorate my first house!” she says doing a little dance. “Mom, can I get a loan?”
“Now what kind of gift-giver would I be if the gift didn’t come complete?” I tell her as I hand her my Amex black card. “Get what you want and drop the card off to me at the hotel, by the way, the Bali trip has been taken care of just let me know when you want to go. And Shepp I already have a trip in mind for you, we’ll talk about it. Let me know what Monday you have free to come to the hotel so we can talk.”
“Cool,” Shepp says.
They walk back over to the table they were sitting at and begin to online shop for furniture and other household needs.
“Really Peter? Two houses? You are so extra.” Savvy rolls her eyes.
“You’re just mad you didn’t think of it,” I say and stick my tongue out at her.
“Real mature, grandPeter,” she says to me, and I burst out laughing.
“I don’t know how you are ok with your daughter being a carpet muncher, William, it’s disgusting,” Robin said sotto voce. But before William can respond Savvy does.
“What the fuck did you just call my daughter?! You been begging for an ass-whooping this whole day and you’re going to get what you’re looking for talking about my daughter!”
“I don’t know why you mad at me for telling the truth, y’all can act like it’s cute but it’s a sin and an abomination. And your dad calls himself a Pastor and….”
Before any of us can blink Savvy has punched her dead in the face. Robin rocks back in her chair and when she leans forward Savvy grabs her by the hair and slams her face on the table. “Bitch I will kill you about my kids!” she says as she is climbing across the table. Robin is trying to scramble away from the table and Savvy, but she is disorientated and bleeding everywhere. Before she gets far Savannah has her by the throat and is literally choking her.
All of this happens in a matter of seconds and we all finally move into action. William grabs Savannah’s arm and Josh grabs him, and literally, all hell breaks loose. Josh restrains William before more happens and tells him “she had it coming.”
We all watch Savvy manhandle Robin, she slings Robin around like a rag doll until she is satisfied with the ass whooping. Robin is damn near unconscious on the floor when Savannah finally turns her loose. The brothers let William go to take care of his wife.
“I’m sick of motherfuckers taking my kindness and quietness as a weakness or as proof that I am a punk! Fuck around and mess with my kids and find out!” She goes over to William and punches him in the mouth. “That’s for not defending your child! Now get the fuck out of my house and take her bitch ass with you. And by the way, Robin, you checked out all the men here except for Peter, and he’s the one with the most money, dummy. But you’ve never been great at picking men,” she says.
Josh goes over to his wife to make sure she’s ok.
“That shit was sexy as fuck, you might get pregnant tonight!” he tells her.
“Um, we did not need to hear all that, thanks,” I tell Josh as we watch William practically carry Robin to their rental and leave.
Skai comes over and hugs her mother and I notice the tears in her and Alayna’s eyes, Robin's words hurt them, and I get pissed off all over again. That effectively ended the party, and since it was already pretty late, we head to our respective lodging to go to bed. The caters and party planners will come tomorrow and clean up and take down the decorations. The out-of-town guests will be heading home after church tomorrow.
I hug Savvy. True and the grands and head home, wishing Lennox was there waiting on me.