Page 11 of Asher
“I think I may have the answer to that question.” Emerson says. Her voice sounds like warm honey and hummingbirds and all we can do is blink. Eliza has been the only one to speak until now and I know why. Emerson would have made millions in the 80’s as a phone sex worker.
“Um…” I say, clear my throat and try again. “Uh, what did you find out?”
“Do you know a woman by the name of Kelly Landers?”
I stop to think about that name. “Yes, I dated her for a short time. What about her?”
“Detective Marshall is her brother.”
I swear my eyebrows fall right off the back of my head at this unexpected revelation.
“Apparently, they have different mothers but the same father. She didn’t take too well to you breaking up with her and ran and told her brother that you wanted her to do all kinds of depraved things and she left you. But not before she caught you cheating on her with another woman.”
“First of all, I don’t cheat. Ever. Second of all, she would’ve fucked a mule if I wanted her to. I left her because she planned our wedding with my money, when I never proposed and never intended to. Her ass was delusional, and I felt it best to get the hell away from her. The last straw was when she had her own engagement ring delivered to me so I could propose to her with it.”
“Well, that is not the story she told her brother. Apparently, Marshall has be gunning for you ever since, but you have never placed a toe out of line until now. Oh, and by the way, he’s sleeping with the prosecutor.”
“Damn.” I say thoroughly impressed with what Emerson and Eliza was able to find. “You ladies ever considered moving to Mississippi? We have a couple of houses we can put y’all in right next to each other.”
Emerson looks at Eliza and says, “We can talk about it.” To which I nod my agreement.
“Well, that explains a lot, and I can’t wait to sue the police department, Detective Marshall and the prosecutor. This is going to be fun.” Carla says. “I am going to reach out to the prosecutor’s office and see if we can get the charges dropped before the arraignment hearing. This is enough to prove someone else killed Mrs. Lattimore.”