Page 14 of Asher
Two Months Later
I look at the design of the new building for Hedonism 2 since I couldn’t find an already built building that had everything that I wanted. The first time I created my business it was not very well thought out, but, fortunately, I had the money and growing ability to make upgrades and changes as I went along. This time around, not only am I more versed on what I want and how to get it, but I also have the help of my brothers.
After the revelation of the fact that I owned the club, Josh and I talked about what the club gave me as a sense of control. Even though I could have just been a member of someone else’s club, I wanted the ability to control what happened and who could be privy to this part of my life. The weird thing was, the harder it was to become a member of my club the more requests I got for membership. And even though the trial and press temporarily hurt the membership it was an opportunity to reevaluate who would remain a member and who could become future members. If they thought it was hard to become a member before, they are going to realize that was a walk in the park compared to this time around.
The press conference that Carla set up right after the hearing was a brilliant move It allowed me to get in front of the camera and tell my side of the story. And the footage of the prosecutor and Detective Marshall trying to slink out of the courtroom in the background further aided in my innocence and the mishandling of the case. When we first left the courtroom and I realized she’d set up the conference up so that we were standing directly in front of the doors, I thought she was crazy but every time I watch them scurry out of the courtroom, I know that was top tier strategy on her part. I am glad; however, that Toni’s family left the courtroom once they realized shit was going sideways and wasn’t caught on camera—they’d been through enough.
With that behind me I immediately turned my attention to three things: My business, who killed Antonia, and, Carla.
Carla. I miss her, but after the trial she was busier than ever, and who am I to deny her doing what she does best. We’ve talked occasionally but for the most part we’ve both been pulled in different directions, but surprisingly she stayed in this area. While she was here representing me, she rented a place here. Even though she doesn’t actually live far from here, it was easier and less time consuming for her to be here. But since everything is over, she’s been in town just as much if not more than she was before. I was busy as well, helping with the construction company and rebuilding my business. Once the verdict and my interview aired my office phone was ringing off the hook with members who had originally canceled their membership and wanted to backtrack and resume their status. I informed them that there is a one year wait to reapply for their membership. I wasn’t the one who jumped ship, and contrary to what their life has taught them, actions have consequences. If they don’t come back, oh well. But now that we are getting those things under control, I can move my attention to other stuff. So, my Carla has been out here thinking she doesn’t belong to me, but that shit is getting ready to stop soon, I have given her time to run but I’m already over it.
With the new design set and the location settled we’ve already started on the new build. One of the biggest aspects of the club is the anonymity it provides, the tastes of some of the members can be looked at as strange or depraved. They could lose a lot if others found out what they like in the bedroom, so I have several checks and balances in place to protect them and their proclivities. This new build will hide in plain sight, in an office park that we will create. It will have space for businesses for new business owners, but at night one of the buildings will be the club. Multi-level and private parking, it will be state of the art but on top of that I get to help business owners who may not be able to afford a space like this staring out. I had a hand up when I wanted to start out, I had my brothers and money, so I was able to do anything I wanted. Not only will they be able to have an affordable space to rent, they will be surrounded by some very affluent people who will no doubt be coming and going. Even though Jaasiel doesn’t want to be a chef, he’s agreed to help me set up the restaurants and cafes and Joseph is going to open another Joe Momma Coffee shop here too. Looks will be very deceiving, when you walk into the club. It will be a restaurant but the levels below it will be all sex club. I am so looking forward to seeing this come together.
I pull out my phone and give Carla a call, it’s time to finish what we’ve started.
“Hello Mr. Gideon, what can I do for you?”
“Are you in a meeting.”
“If I were in a meeting, I would have not answered the phone. Is there something I can do for you Mr. Gideon?”
“Stop fucking playing with me Carla.” I command her.
“I’m not sure what you are referring to, Mr. Gideon.”
“Don’t worry about it. Are you free tonight?”
“I’ll have to check my planner.”
I swear I have to take a deep breath and count backwards from one thousand. She loves to try my patience. “Please do Ms. St. Claire. I would love to take you to dinner if you could squeeze me in.” I say playing along with her game.
“It just so happens you’re in luck Mr. Gideon, I am free tonight.”
“Wonderful! I will pick you up for dinner at seven p.m.” I end the call and go about getting things ready for tonight.
I’ve been waiting for this phone call. It took a little longer than I expected but after the trial I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Asher and I were really busy once everything was said and done, and even though he and I have some unfinished business, we are both mature enough and business orientated enough to handle that first. Once we get to nitty gritty, we are going to need time to do what needs to be done. I don’t have all my clothes here and I don’t have time to go home to get something to wear so I guess a shopping trip has to happen.
I leave the store, packages in hand for tonight. When Asher sees me, he won’t know what hit him. Now that I think about it let me swing by the spa and get a wax just in case there’s a spare hair hanging out somewhere on my body. While I am at it, I may as well swing by and get a pedicure and my nails redesigned too, I can’t wait to see where this night leads.
Hours later I’m looking at myself in the mirror, pleased with what I could come up with on such short notice. Being short, I love wearing short skirts and dresses to give my legs the appearance of length and tonight is no different. The dress, designed to look like a man’s tailored shirt, hits me at the top of my thighs, with a split up to my hip. It gathers in the waist area to give me an hourglass shape and I have the first few buttons undone, showing off my considerable cleavage. White quilted purse and rhinestone high heel sandals complete my look. It took years for me to get this confident with the way I looked and dressed. I am not the typical size four, I am more like a fourteen, but I stopped letting other people dictate what I should wear or how I should look, besides I look damn good. I thought about going without panties but with the way my body reacts to Asher, I would have a wet spot on the back of my dress. I slip on a pair of flesh-toned panties and slip a pair in my purse just in case and went to wait in the living room.
My bell rings at exactly seven p.m., leave it up to Asher to be so punctual. When I open the door, I can feel his eyes take me in from my freshly pedicured toes to my purple loc curls.
“You know there is a service we can call and have dinner delivered to us.” He says as the look in his eyes torch me from the inside out.
I have to battle with myself to not take him up on his offer, as I stand there taking in his outfit. He had on a slate grey suit and dress shirt, against his red hair and freckles and I was ready to have him for dinner, but that wouldn’t do…tonight.
“You promised to take me out to dinner, remember. We’ll have to try that service another time.”
“I’m going to take you up on that,” he says.
I walk out, making sure the door is locked, and take the hand he offers me. Yep, these panties are already ruined. I think as I walk to his SUV. I am a complete sucker for this man and that just won’t do. He opens my door and makes sure I am settled and belted in before gets in, and puts his seat belt on. The engine roars to life; turns on some music but not so loud that we couldn’t talk the whole way to the restaurant. It had been two months and we had a lot to catch up on, even though we would call and text each other, nothing can replace face-to-face interactions. Too soon we make it to the restaurant, but that does not stop our conversation and I don’t think I have ever been with anyone I can talk to this easily. We were seated at a window table overlooking the water, that along with the candles, and music the restaurant was playing all combined to make an absolutely enchanting ambiance. The restaurant was full and there were a lot of eyes on us, I guess two months isn’t long enough for people to forget about the court case that shook the city. I guess like me Asher is used to being the center of attention, so we basically ignored the stares and whispers until they finally lost interest in us. I guess it’s only fun when you’re making someone uncomfortable.