Page 17 of Asher
I stalk my way to her, once I reach her, I grab one of her locs and rub it between my thumb and forefinger.
“You must have worn a wig that night because I would have remembered these.”
“There’s no way you were there; I would have remembered you. You’re like eight feet tall.”
I run my fingers through her locs and grab a handful forcing her to look up at me.
“Not only was I there you looked right at me. We locked eyes, I was upstairs looking at you from my observation room and even though we were separated by distance, glass and people I felt the connection between us like you were in the room with me.”
I hear her voice catch when I remind her, and I know she remembers just like me.
“By the time I made it down there I couldn’t find you, but I never forgot you.” I have her pushed up against the dresser and she’s fisting the front of my jacket and breathing hard. Before I can talk myself out of it, I get my first real taste of her. I kiss her like I wanted to that night, like I have been wanting to since I saw her again at Peter’s wedding, like I wanted to all night. When I slip my tongue past her lips to take command of hers, I hear her moan in my mouth and I hit the switch again and she struggles not to cum in my arms. It hits her so fast and hard; she snatches her mouth from mine, drops her head on my chest, eyes screwed shut, and she’s breathing hard.
“Asher.” She says quietly looking everywhere but at me. “Please let me cum.”
“Look at me.” When she doesn’t immediately look at me like I told her to I command her, “Now!” she swiftly looks up at me. “You will cum when I tell you to cum and not a minute sooner. Do you understand me?”
“I can’t take it Asher; I need to cum.”
“You need to do as you are told. It is my job to give you everything you want, need and desire, in every area of your life. When you came down those steps in my sweatshirt you became mine, and being mine makes you my responsibility, mine to fulfill in every way and it’s my pleasure to do so. Your pleasure is my responsibility, and I will let you know when you can experience it. Got it?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl. Now let’s clean up.”
I walk us to my main shower and command, “Run Carla program one.” The lights change to a purple hue, the shower turns on and Rico Love’s They Don’t Know begins to play. I walk her to the shower and strip her out of her dress. “Hold it in,” I tell her as I untie her panties, pulling them off—another pair to add to my collection. I unsnap her bra and she pull her arms out and cross them one by one over her breasts. Hmm, is my little one shy or embarrassed? Either way I’ll fix that.
“Is my little dove shy or are you insecure about this delectable little body?”
“I am not a size two, Asher.”
“And? I’m far from average size Carla.”
“Body parts ain’t perky anymore.”
“Carla if I wanted a barbie or a mannequin, I am sure I could have found one with just as much plastic as the real thing. I want a woman, a real woman who is soft in all the right places; who has lived life and survived. I love that they’re pointing up to the ceiling that’ll make it easier for me to suck those sexy-ass nipples while you’re riding this dick. And I hope I can find a stretch mark or two that I can trace with my tongue. Everything is perfect for me, and it should be perfect for you.”
“But I know I don’t have the shape that is seen as beautiful, and people can be cruel Asher.”
“Did I just say I loved it?”
“Then fuck them people! As long as you and I are okay, that’s all that matters. Understand?”
I strip out of my clothes in a flash, “Does it look like this dick have any trouble getting or staying hard?”
She chuckles a little bit, “No.”
“That’s all the proof you need.”
“But um, I am not sure I can take all...”
“You will take every inch of me Dove, everywhere, and you’ll beg me for it.”
I lead her into the shower, sit her on the bench, and reach between her legs to rub her labia that’s wrapped around the vibrator she’s been wearing since the restaurant—that not only internally stimulates her g-spot but also her clit. I am surprised she’s been able to put off cumming. I grip the sides and slowly pull it out of her, watching her face for her reaction. I see it coming before even she registers it, but once again she stops herself from cumming. She throws her head back and tries to slam her legs closed but they hit my shoulders instead as I take her clit in my mouth and suck causing her to almost jack knife off the bench. Her legs are shaking, and a tear races down her face. Once my chin is dripping, I move my head away and grabbing her washcloth, add some of her body wash and begin cleaning her. She tries to take the cloth from me, and I pull it out her reach. She will learn this is my job and I take pride and pleasure in it. Once I am satisfied, I turn my attention to myself, but once I get to my cock, I notice she watches my every move. Aww, my baby doll is a little exhibitionist. I watch her watch me and my cock is harder than it has ever been in my life. I add more of my body wash to the cloth and use it like a flesh light and stroke myself from base to tip. I swipe lower to wash each ball, slowly, individually, taking my time. But when I go back to my dick, I drop the washcloth altogether, I use my hand and the body wash. She starts to move, and I tell her “Don’t move.” I see her struggle to not come over to me, but she doesn’t move. I stroke faster and her hands move to her pussy, “don’t touch her!” she lays her head back on the shower wall with a pout. She’s in need, and I can see it literally dripping out of her.