Page 90 of B Positive
Luckily, B didn’t make excuses about why he couldn’t train me, so at least I had his company for an hour.
“You’ve progressed farther than I expected, Eden. You keep this up and you really will be ready in time for the incursion.”
“Thanks, B. I hope you’re right. I really want to be able to hold my own with Titus.”
After I’d proven I had a decent command over the cloak, BDD showed me a few tricks with strength control.
“You’ve already taught yourself pretty well how to control your strength. Unless you’re ripping doors off hinges and not telling anyone.”
“Yeah, well, I was for a time. But I guess I have that pretty well managed.”
He nodded. “Have you had any experiences when you suddenly had more strength than you thought you should?”
As a matter of fact… “Yes! Once, I was able to push Julian clear across the great room. But I tried again later and couldn’t get him to budge. Then, another day, I think, I triedagainand I could do it.”
“I’m willing to bet that you were able to when you were because you were feeling some strong emotion.”
“Well, yeah. He’d pissed me the fuck off.”
BDD didn’t do a great job of hiding his smile. “Remember, your emotions power your abilities. If you find yourself needing a boost, just tap into something equally as powerful.”
“Excellent info, B. Thank you.”
“Certainly. Any other questions, feel free to text me. Otherwise, I’m gonna get to bed early.”
“Night, B. Thanks again. Hope you wake refreshed.”
“Heh, little chance of that until after the incursion,” he said and left me to my safes.
The time between B leaving and getting a text from Julian couldn’t have gone by any slower.
In fact, I might have given myself whiplash from how many times I looked up at the wall clock to see if it was time to expect a text yet.
Jeez. I have it bad for this guy.
Not that I could think about that too long, because I didn’t want him to know I was thinking about him while I was supposed to be working.
But eventually, a little past seven p.m., my pocket buzzed.
I hit my head on the safe trying to get my phone, cursed, then dropped it on the concrete.
Thank God I had a decent case on the thing or I’d need a new phone.
I glanced at the text and my heart hit the ground as hard as my phone had.
The king wanted me to let you know he’s busy with preparations for the incursion. He’ll try to make it to dinner tomorrow.
I read Sunny’s text three times before I no longer saw red.
He’d try?Tryto make dinner tomorrow? We had a bond to secure, and we needed to do it before the incursion. Before Titus!
If we waited to do the mark until Wednesday, that meant we wouldn’t be able to bone until Friday, the day of the incursion.
I took a breath and calmed myself down.
Julian was a king.
He had lots of things to attend to. Things I didn’t know the first thing about.