Page 30 of Monsters' Touch
“Not using it dehumanizes her.”
I pause. He is right, but not for the reason he thought. I choose not to use her name as a safeguard. “To even suggest saving a soul, returning a life—”
“It was her first demand. If we do, she’s agreed to help us collect. You know she’s the best shot we have, Rhygel.”
Barbas isn’t wrong. Lily is our best chance of placing. I rub at my horns, fatigue settling deep within me. “I won’t make the decision in isolation. It affects all of us. It’s only right we wait until the others return. Hopefully, with good news.”
Interfering in the life cycle in such a way goes against our highest law. Getting caught would put all of us in grave danger.
And yet, I’d bet every one of us would be willing to risk it. But I wouldn’t make the choice without them.
Barbas nods. “Pull them back, then. We don’t have time to waste.”
I eye the demon before me. Smaller than all of us, slighter in build, with thinner horns, all of which are products of poor nutrition in the formative years, which in itself is common in the Pit. Even so, Barbas stands tall as he makes his demand.
“She’s changed you, hasn’t she, friend?”
Barbas grants me a single nod. “Lily is also small and broken.”
And mighty.
I wouldn’t normally pull a demon from the between, but in this case…
Barbas sees my change of heart and hands me the satchel of powdered ammonia, followed by the small dosing spoon. Just the smallest mound placed under the nose brings our essence crashing back into the body.
It’s not pleasant.
Effective, though.
And when both Malphas and Typhon are gasping and wide-eyed before us, I pose the question. “Have you found any suitable replacements?”
Both shake their heads, rubbing at the sides of their noses and face, trying to clear their sinuses of the burning sensation the smelling salts inflicted.
“Barbas was able to make contact, and Lily has agreed to be our host under a few conditions.”
“Grant them, whatever they are,” Typhon says. “She’s worth it.”
Malphas nods in agreeance. “She’s our only shot.”
“She questioned Barbas about saving a soul. Returning it once expired. The only reason a human would ask—”
“Yes, someone she loves is dying.” Typhon waves broadly, as if batting my concerns away. “She’s worth it. I don’t know how many times I can say it.”
“I know she is,” I roar. “But I won’t make this choice without a unanimous vote.”
Malphas shrugs. “I’m in. As long as I’m not the one doing it. I’ve never been very good at higher level soul manipulation.”
Barbas and I share a glance. “Then it’s settled. Barbas will return alone and tell Lily the news. I fear all of us at once might be overwhelming for her.”
“I wouldn’t underestimate her, if I were you,” Typhon says, grin so wide it split him nearly in two.
I return bracedfor more psychic terror, with half a mind to murder the witch responsible for that talisman. Instead, I find myself sliding into Lily’s mind as easily as before.
Hello, lovely Lily.
She startles awake at the sound of my voice.