Page 38 of Monsters' Touch
It isSupernatural’s influence, I know it, but a big part of me balks at being forced into this without fully understanding everything. I’m not one to go back on my word, but Barbas never said anything about this being a deal with a devil.
I don’t mean bargain in the formal sense, Lily. I only mean you agreed to help us if we helped you. We’ve helped you, and now our situation has grown even more dire.
“Well, I’m going to let you two have some awake alone time. I’ll be back…”Um, when will I be back?
Not soon. This could take some time.
“I’ll be back when I can. I’ve got to figure out a new job situation, and now that you’re all healed up, Mom, I can focus on that.”
Go, me! I hate lying to my parents, but I have to hand it to myself, that is a pretty killer off-the-cuff lie.
“Oh, all right, sweetie.”
I don’t miss the flash of disappointment in my mom’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, Mom.” I give her and Dad hugs and am out the door before the shitty dickhead called guilt can kick me in the head.
Your spirits are greatly improved,Barbas comments as I steer us to the elevators.
Yes. Saving a parent will do that.
Perhaps. But I know that you weren’t melancholy over your mother’s health. You didn’t know she’d relapsed.
Ouch. OK, fair, but maybe don’t go poking around in my thoughts.
I’ve never done so frivolously, only to gain information about the people surrounding you should we run into them.
Ah, that reminds me.I pause to hit the down button to call the elevator.Was it you who told Tad off a few nights ago?
No. That was Rhygel.
Rhygel. And he’s the leader?
That’s right.
We enter the empty elevator and I push the G.
Why are you taking us to the garage? There are souls to collect here.
Oh, I’m aware, Barbas. But I’m not collecting human souls for demons until I’ve asked my fill of questions on the matter. And for that, I’d like some privacy. So in the car it is.
The general warm sensation that accompanies Barbas’s presence shifts. The warmth is deeper, less like a soft blanket and more like a big bear hug.
I can accept that.
Good. Now, who was it who made Brad piss himself?
I’m not aware of any Brad’s urinating themselves, so it must have been Typhon.
Typhon. Who’s he again?
He’s the self-appointed second-in-command.
Typhon, huh? His name sounds like typhoon to me. So obviously I construct a King Titan-looking demon as a placeholder in my imagination.
For Rhygel, since he shares the name of a star, I imagine a deep blue—no, indigo-skinned—demon with bright shining eyes and black horns.
And since I already know Barbas’s horns resemble a type of antelope, it isn’t such a stretch to image the typical Baphomet image—cloven hooves and horns, but instead of a goat’s face, a man’s. I don’t have the details worked out on the face, but I don’t think that matters as much.