Page 49 of Monsters' Touch
Your wish is my command.
I feel full.I clutch my middle and wish for an antacid or something.
We are full. Let’s get you back to your place before I take the ones we’ve already collected back to my plane.
Sounds good,I say and watch the amusement park we’d collected our last soul from fade away.
Unlike Barbas, who mostly spent time collecting in hospitals up and down the eastern seaboard, Malphas liked to reap only in places he found fun. Admittedly, that has its upsides, but at first I wondered how much of it was for my benefit.
This is how I’ve always reaped. It’s no fun if you don’t make it fun, and who wants to waste time not having fun?
He’d been convincing enough that I started enjoying not just the challenge and the feelings of accomplishment, but the places we were.
Ice skating in Canada, trail riding in Appalachia, hot air ballooning in the Hamptons.
Though, that last one was extremely messy.
It is only once back in my condo that I realize how late it is. How long we’ve been gone.
Are you sure you have enough energy to go back a second time?I ask, switching on the light in the kitchen and pulling out ingredients for a sandwich, because even being stuffed full of souls, I’m still ravenous, which is quite a strange sensation.
I do. But you’re right. It’s time for Rhygel’s turn.
Rhygel? He’s your leader, right?
He is.
I pause, mid-peanut butter swipe.Do you think he’ll like me?
Like you? What’s not to like? You’re strong and beautiful and smart and capable. Plus, your headspace is a lot—better.
For a moment, I wonder which voice he’ll have. The smooth voice or the sexy one. I don’t waste too much energy pondering, since I’ll find out soon enough.
There’s no need to be nervous, Lil. You’re a delight and I’ve had the best day reaping with you. More demons should reap like this.
You mean as a team with other demons?
No. I mean in cooperation with their host. I had no idea how much energy we wasted simply trying to keep control of a human’s mind. But with your talents, and permission, we’ve bestest my highest reaping record by a significant margin. I think we have a real chance of winning a high ranking with you on our side.
Good. I’m glad to help.I finish making my sandwich, stuff half in my face, and make another as I chew.
Well, I suppose I’ll take my leave.
Malphas’s emotions aren’t as obvious to pick up on as Barbas’s, not with the undercurrent of playful joy he constantly pours into me. Still, a slight jab of hesitation pierces that undercurrent. It’s brief, but I notice all the same.
Hey, before you go?I say.
I was just wondering why your words to me in the hospital with my mom that first time were so weird.
Malphas chuckles, and I swear when he does, I feel light and free. Like I could do or be or have anything I wanted.
The “Be not afraid” bit?
Yeah, that. What was that about?
Rhygel says I overcompensate when I’m nervous with humans. I try too hard to fit in with current vernacular. “Be not afraid” is from scripture. Angels saying it to…