Page 61 of Monsters' Touch
But it won’t go. I can’t do what Barbas did for my mom. I’m not a demon.
The glowing red spark breeches her chest wall, and Grandma’s eyes open, connecting with mine.
I say the only thing I can, tears welling, throat tight. “It’s OK. You’re not alone. I’m right here with you.”
The fear in the woman’s eyes vanishes, and she reaches for my hand. But by then, her soul energy has completely left her body.
Her hand falls limp to the bed, and her eyes go distant and unseeing.
And I burst into tears.
“Say that again, but slower and with your whole chest because I don’t think you meant what just came out of your mouth.”
Typhon stands before all of us, head lowered, shame clear on his features.
“I didn’t know what else to do. She had a very bad reaction to our first reaping and dissociated from herself entirely. I could not reach any part of her. She didn’t respond to me, not when I called her name, yelled, or even when I caused physical pain.”
I nod, stepping ahead of Rhygel, who’s too angry to speak at the moment, and line myself up directly with Typhon’s massive chest. “So you thought it would be a good idea tocontinue reaping with her like that?”
“No. I didn’t think it was a good idea. But what other choice did I have? We have a deadline—”
Every instinct in me wants to rip Typhon’s head off his shoulders.
Barbas steps between us. “We need to assess her state. See if any damage was caused to her psyche.”
“She’s strong. I’m certain Lily is—”
Typhon doesn’t finish his sentence. He’s flying across the room. And when he lands in a heap in the middle of the dining area, Rhygel is there, towering over him. “Don’t you sully her name in your arrogant little mouth. How dare you put her in jeopardy? How dare you act on her behalf without consulting us? How dare you ruin our chance, our host?”
Typhon takes it all lying down without comment.
As he should.
Rhygel spins around, facing Barbas and I. “Which of you can be the gentlest with her?”
“Barbas,” I say instantly. “He should go.”
Barbas shakes his head. “You’re the one who can help her out of this, friend. It’s you who makes her laugh, makes her feel light. You should go.”
Rhygel’s horns grow before my eyes. “I don’t care which of you goes, but one of you needs to do it right now,” he bellows into the dorm.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire dormitory block hears him.
“Go,” Barbas says and points to a chair.
I don’t waste another minute and plant myself in the chair.
I hardly feel the difference between the planes anymore and I’m in Lily’s head in moments.
I detect no lasting damage. No arcane scarring.
From the barest edge of her awareness, I call out.Hey, Lily. I heard you had a rough go of it.
No answer.