Page 66 of Monsters' Touch
Only once my speed is under control does Malphas answer.You didn’t say you weren’t interested in such things, only that they weren’t possible. But I can assure you, Lily. They are all quite possible.
Every blood cell in my body rushes to my core, and for the briefest second, my vision tunnels. I have to slam on the brakes to keep from rear-ending the Mazerati in front of me.
God, I hate those cars. Mr. wanted-a-Ferrari-but-couldn’t-afford-one.
He flips me off in his rearview and I give him a peace sign in return.
I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable, Lily.
“I’m not uncomfortable.”
Your heart rate and your brakes might say otherwise.
I let out a long, long sigh, trying to rid myself of all the weirdness Mal’s words had conjured.
How would that even work? They didn’t have physical forms.
Traffic starts moving again, and I let the question I’m dying to ask free.So, how exactly would something like that work?
Would you like me to show you?
I lead-foot it the entire way home.
This is strange,I say, lying on the bed in my fuzzy socks and sweats.
Just different. You’ll see.
Malphas descends into my head fully, but instead of taking control of my body, as I expect, something else happens.
Tingles, like an invisible soft stroke, travel down my scalp to my neck and shoulders and all the way down my spine.
Did you do that?
What do you think?
I think you should do it some more.
Malphas’s warm laugh encompasses my mind, and I enjoy another wave of tingles.
A light stroke down my cheek startles me. My eyes fly open.
“What was that?” I say aloud.
It’s all just me, Lily. Allow me to do this for you. Let me show you how much you mean to me. How beautiful I think you are. How impressive your talents are to me.
Beautiful. Right. I paled in comparison to Claudia and Eden, even with the teeth and black veins.
You are, though, Lily. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
I freeze up, and all the sensations flowing from Malphas to me cease.
What’s wrong?
“Did you just read a thought I didn’t project to you? I thought that wasn’t possible.” I hadn’t balked at his “beautiful” compliment out loud and I hadn’t intentionally thought it to him. I know it.
You’re right, Lily. In this state, deep enough in your mind to give you pleasure, I can hear all your thoughts.
I shoot off the bed and head straight for the mirror.