Page 80 of Monsters' Touch
Rhygel gets us up and takes in the carnage.
Hundreds of human bodies litter the sand, but even more demon-possessed ones streak in and out of the soul plane, shrieking and fighting with each other.
All battling for the souls that should be ours.
I catch sight of Michelle and chuck Rhygel to the backseat.I’m sorry. This shit’s already fucked. I’m getting my friend the fuck outta this.
Rhygel doesn’t say anything as I sprint to Michelle.
“Hey, Rhino Dick!” I yell as soon as I’m close enough.
Michelle looks up, eyes not at all bright or cheery but bloodthirsty and crazed.
“What the fuck did you just call me?” she snaps back.
“I called you Rhino Dick. And you answered, so you must know just how ridiculous that horn jutting out of your forehead is.”
I don’t know what comes over me or why I do it, but I reach for it. For that unsightly shadow of a horn marring my friend’s face. I know my hands can’t grasp it, but I reach, anyway.
Demon-Michelle dodges left, but I expected she would and I catch it in my left hand.
I catch it!
And do the only thing that makes sense: pull it as hard as I can.
The demon screeches, yowling like a cat in heat as I rip the horn off my friend’s face.
And to my surprise, it’s not just a horn.
But a whole-ass demon.
It shrieks with terror or pain or both and sizzles like water on a hot griddle, writhing in my grip as it tries to free itself.
But I don’t let go. I hold fast, watching it sizzle and blister before it lets out one last scream and bursts into flames.
I don’t let go, not even as the flames sear my flesh. I hold tight until it disintegrates into nothing but smoke and ash.
Magnificent. I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than right now,Rhygel rumbles in my head.
I rush to Michelle, ignoring how incredibly hot what Rhygel just said is.
“Are you OK?”
She nods her head, a dazed vacancy in her eyes.
“Stay right here. You’ll be OK. I promise.”
She grabs my wrist as I turn, and it kills me to do it, but I pull out of her grip.
“You’ll be OK. I have to finish this,” I say and let Rhygel back into the driver’s seat.
We continue like that, him reaping, me slaughtering, until there’s no more. No more souls, no more demons.
Only the remains of the dead and the shaken, freshly exorcized survivors.
From bits of conversations, I gather the gist of the accident.
A docked jet ski overheated and caught fire, which ignited the nearby drum of fuel, which in turn somehow caused the bonfire to explode.