Page 24 of By Firelight
Grant slumped on top of her, barely able to keep from crushing her beneath his weight. Every bone and muscle in his body had been vaporized, destroyed. He hadn’t known such pure physical pleasure existed.
He felt euphoric, ready to spout poetry, prepared to slay ferocious dragons for his lady-love.
His amazing lady-love squirmed, her voice breathless. “Air, Grant. I need air.”
He rolled to one side, muttering an apology as he nuzzled her breast and watched, fascinated, as the nipple tightened.
She laughed, her face bright with happiness, her eyes soft and sated. “I might need a little time before round two.”
They lay curled together, touching, stroking. In the background, Grandma got run over by a reindeer and silver bells began to chime. Grant lifted himself on one elbow. “Now?” he asked hopefully. He slid a thigh between her legs and began licking her rib cage.
She shoved his face away, laughing. “I’m ticklish,” she complained. “Behave, Mr. Monroe.”
He excused himself for long enough to clean up and tend to the fire, before returning to her side. When he slid between the covers, his bare feet touching hers, she squealed. “You’re freezing.”
“Then warm me up,” he replied, rolling her on top of him.
She wriggled down the length of his body like an erotic gymnast, stopping when her mouth found his cock. Already semierect, he went from zero to sixty within seconds of feeling her mouth swallow his length.
She was enthusiastic, and she was talented. He wasted half a minute on jealousy, wondering whom she’d practiced on, before his mind shut down. Her teeth scraped the underside of his shaft, and his brain went fuzzy. His cock screamed for release, but his brain wanted to be inside Maddy when he came.
With surprise on his side, he twisted and turned and entered her from behind. It was a tight fit from this angle, each of them breathing heavily as they found their rhythm. He grasped her hips, loving the supple, firm feel of her butt. He grabbed a handful of her hair so he could see the side of her face. “Is this okay?” She was awfully silent, except for those little pants that were driving him crazy.
She wiggled her fanny, making him see stars. He reached beneath her and captured a breast, teasing the nipple. Maddy moaned.
He asked a second time. “Honey, do you like this?”
He leaned forward so he could reach underneath and stroke her directly. She cried out, her inner muscles squeezing him as she came, stealing the last of his control. He surged inside her warmth again and again, his question forgotten as he succumbed to the inevitable.
Minutes later, maybe hours, he pulled her, spoon fashion, against his chest and tucked the covers around them both.
* * *
When the gray light of dawn seeped into the cabin, Maddy stirred and yawned. Her cheeks heated as memories of the night before came out of nowhere, making her thighs clench. That was all real? As a dream, it would have merited an X-rating. Grant had wakened her three times during the night, each time his body hot and hard as he spread her legs and entered her.
Her curious fingers slid to his abdomen and skated lower. The man could give lessons to the Energizer Bunny. She contemplated her swollen and sore flesh and weighed it against the hunger that simmered unabated deep in her gut. No contest. She straddled him and gently lowered herself on his rigid length.
Each time she told herself the newness would wear off, that this coupling thing would become old hat. It hadn’t happened yet, but she was more than ready to keep testing her theory. She winced as she took him an inch deeper. Soaking in a hot bath might be a good idea.
He woke up a split second before she grounded herself on his morning erection. He blinked rapidly, his long, dark lashes and mussed hair making him look adorably sweet and vulnerable. He growled deep in his throat, and she scratched those last two adjectives. It was like waking a hungry lion.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she said, breathing heavily as she rotated her hips. “I started without you.”
He grunted. “So I see.” His powerful arms quivered as he lifted her by the waist and settled her on his mouth. Before she had a chance to miss his cock, he was tonguing her roughly, his thumbs parting her so he could reach her aching nerve endings. She came slowly, a rolling, cresting wave of pleasure that left her weak and spent. He showed no mercy.
He laid her carefully on her back and entered her while the last tremors of her release were still rippling. He was gentle this time, almost lethargic. His movements were so slow, she wanted to scream with frustration.
He bent his head, whispering urgent words, his breath tickling her ear. “Come for me, honey . . . one more time.”
“I can’t,” she wailed, petulant. “I’m exhausted.”
Another careful withdrawal and penetration. The achingly lazy movements rubbed her intimately. She shivered, wild with conflicting needs. “I’ve had enough,” she said. “I can’t stand this.”
He went perfectly still, his arms rigid, his dark eyes filled with guilt. “God, Maddy. I’m sorry.”
He tried to leave her and she grasped his hips wildly, leaving red scratches. She bit his shoulder. “Ride me hard. Don’t make me wait.”