Page 67 of Not Quite a Scot
Chapter 27
The situation was deteriorating rapidly.
Vanessa was made of tough stock. She kept going in the face of Finley’s disgust. “It’s true. I signed a pre-nup. Everything he has goes to Bella. I won’t get a cent when he’s gone. So please…will you see him?”
The silence built, layer upon layer. I wanted to answer forFinley. Of course he’ll see his dying father. It wasn’t as easy as that.
Vanessa grew impatient. “I need to get back to him. Will you come—”
Finley cut her off with a sharp slice of his hand. “Enough. I need to think about it. I’ll call the hotel in the morning and let you know my decision.”
I think even Vanessa realized she couldn’t push him any farther. “Very well.” She picked up her sunglasses and car keys. “I hope you’ll do the right thing.”
It was up to me to show her out. Finley was a statue, nothing but his blazing eyes suggesting that he was even breathing. Neither Vanessa nor I spoke on the way to the front door. I closed it behind her and leaned against it as my legs gave out.
Shock and tension had combined to turn my stomach and my limbs to jelly. I peeked out the curtain to make sure she was gone. The taillights of her rental disappeared down the drive. Breathing a sigh of relief, I went in search of Finley.
Strangely enough, he had returned to the workshop. I found him in front of his laptop, standing exactly where he had been when I showed up with the news that his ex-girlfriend, now-mother-in-law, wanted to see him.
I hovered just inside the doorway and watched him. “What are you going to do, Finley?”
“If I’m lucky, I’ll figure out a way to make this muffler fit into the space I’ve allotted.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. Don’t be snitty with me. Don’t shoot the messenger.”
“You’re the one who let her into my house.”
Wow.Apparently that was going to be held against me. “I went outside to leave…practically mowed her over. What was I supposed to do?”
“You could have gone on your merry way. End of story.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered. She’s a woman with a mission. Vanessa would never have left Portree without talking to you.”
“This isn’t your business, Duchess. Drop it.”
“He’s dying, Finley. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t make peace with him.”
His sharp gaze scorched me from across the room. “How the hell do you know what I’ll regret?”
I tried to tell myself he was upset. That I should make allowances for his uncharacteristic snarl. His attitude hurt. “Fine. Stay in your stupid, isolated hole in the ground. It’s my vacation. I’m going out to have some fun.”
* * * *
The whole day was sucky. Ruined completely, to be exact. I blamed that on Vanessa. The woman was a poisonous snake in my Garden of Eden.
I made myself go for several long walks and take dozens of pictures. Sadly, no amount of gorgeous Highland scenery was going to distract me today. When I finally dragged myself back to Portree, I was hot, rumpled, and depressed.
It didn’t take a psychologist to see that Finley wouldn’t be so upset if Vanessa hadn’t hurt him deeply. Had she destroyed his ability and/or his desire to fall in love?
After I showered and changed into clean clothes, my stomach growled. I didn’t know what to do. I had no way of evaluating Finley’s current state of mind, and I didn’t have the courage to invade his workshop again. Everyone knew it was dangerous to corner a wild animal in its lair.
Finley had transformed from sexy host to wounded bear. I was at a loss as to how I should proceed. I didn’t want to walk down the hill and eat alone, so I rummaged in the refrigerator and found some leftover roast beef. Evidently, the housekeeper had been keeping her boss well fed.
Before I could reach for a glass and decide what to drink, Finley appeared without warning. “Where have you been?”
The cranky question was gruff. I counted to ten. “I spent some time in the Cuillin Hills today. Lots of great exercise. Plenty of sunshine. You should try it sometime. Before you turn into a vampire.”
Something approaching a smile tilted his lips. “I deserved that.” He pulled me close and kissed my cheek before releasing me. “Is there enough of that beef for me?”