Page 78 of Scot on the Run
He wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “That could work in my favor, don’t you think?”
She nodded, struggling to accept that this moment was really happening. “Perhaps I could look at that jewelry box again.”
He grinned and reached for it. “I wanted something to match your eyes. Though a mere sapphire could never come close.”
Bella held her breath as he slid the gorgeous ring onto her finger. It was almost a twin to the one Diana Spencer had made famous and Kate Middleton now wore. The center stone was a deep, brilliant blue, three carats at least, surrounded by a dozen or more perfect diamonds. She held her hand up to the light, loving the way the stones flashed and sparked. “It’s beautiful, Ian… stunning actually. I don’t know what to say.”
“I thought if it was good enough for a princess, it might come close to being good enough for you. I adore you, Bella.”
The catch in his voice squeezed her heart. At last, after miserable, lonely weeks of living without him, he was here. He kissed her…gently at first. The taste of him went to her head faster than any wine. “I won’t break, Ian.” After that, talking went by the wayside. He undressed her while they clung to each other, panting, kissing wildly.
When they were both naked, Ian ran his hands over the gooseflesh on her hip. “We could move to your bed,” he said.
She could tell from the tone of his voice he didn’t really want to. Neither did she. Inside the house, the fire was crackling… outside, the snow was falling… and here in this small room, all was right with the world.
He took care of protection and then lifted her in his arms, laying her on the sofa and coming down on top of her. “You’re mine now,” he muttered.
Bella wrapped her legs around his waist and brushed a lock of hair from his damp forehead. “And you’re mine,” she said. “My dear, impossible genius.” When he entered her with one slow, steady thrust, she groaned. “Don’t stop,” she begged. “Don’t ever stop.”
He buried his face in her shoulder, his big body shuddering. “I’ll not stop until we’re both too old and senile to care.”
“Then never,” she whispered softly, feeling the end rushing at her like a storm that couldn’t be escaped. “Never, Ian.”
They came at almost the same instant, caught up in aching need from weeks spent apart.
When they could breathe again, Ian lifted up on one elbow, his usually sharp-eyed gaze hazy. “I forgot to ask. May I spend the night?”
“I was counting on it,” she said, smugly happy. “I was counting on it.”