Page 35 of Slow Burn
“You stayed for the funeral before you took off. I always appreciated that.”
“It was a circus, as I recall. Paparazzi everywhere we turned. My mother and your mother weeping in a corner. I still get nauseous when I smell carnations.”
“It was all a long time ago,” she said softly. “We’re different people now.”
Suddenly, their food arrived, and the intimate conversation was shelved. Though Nikki was the furthest thing from calm, she ate, anyway. Soon, the flavors and textures of the various dishes coaxed her into enjoying the meal.
Beneath their conversation, a current of heated lust ran strong. She saw it in Jake’s laser gaze, recognized it in her trembling body. They laughed and flirted and shared something rare and wonderful.
But Nikki knew in her heart it was temporary. Ephemeral.
Jake seemed relaxed, more relaxed than she had seen him since he had returned to Falling Brook. She asked the question she had been avoiding. “What did you do Thursday when I was working? I felt bad about turning you down.”
“You have a job, Nik. I understand that. Oliver drove in from Manhattan, and we reconnected. Then we went to my mom’s.”
“How did that go?”
“Mom hugged me. Cried a little. I’m worried about her, Nik. A few years back, my father was declared legally dead. Mom took off her wedding ring. Thank God she didn’t date anyone seriously. It would have killed her, I think, to know she had committed adultery.”
“Is she glad your father is alive?”
“I’m not sure. It’s a devil of a mess. The hell of it is, there’s not much my brothers and I can do for her.”
“Except be there.”
“I suppose.”
“Sorry,” Nikki said. “I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
Jake’s face lightened. “Well, that’s promising. I didn’t even know we had a mood,” he said, teasing. “Have I told you that your very lovely red sweater gives me all sorts of naughty ideas?”
“It’s new,” she admitted. “I bought it even though I shouldn’t have, because I wanted to look good for you.”
“Mission accomplished.” The words were intense. Now he had both of her hands in his.
“Seeing you again after all this time has surprised me, Jake.”
“How so?”
“You know the phrase slow burn?”
“Of course.”
Her bottom lip trembled. “You severed our relationship. But the burn didn’t end. I used to fantasize about you sometimes when I was having sex with my husband. How awful is that?”
He went pale. His pupils dilated. “Why are you telling me this? The truth, please.”
She pulled her hands away and wrapped her arms around her waist, trying not to fall apart. “I know there’s nothing between us, Jake. You’ve been gone almost half my life. Fifteen years. We’ve lived apart. Separate. No connection at all except for that one insane night in Atlantic City five years ago. But that slow burn rekindled when I saw you again. And I have to know. Do you feel it, too?”
Now his face was grim, almost angry. “You know I do.”
She swallowed hard, wondering if she was making a huge mistake, but feeling the urgency of the moment. “I’d like to sleep with you again. I’m living like a nun. I miss physical intimacy. I miss you.”
The server brought dessert. For a moment, Nikki thought Jake might come unglued. The glare he gave the poor man sent him scuttling away.
“This looks good,” Nikki said inanely.
Jake’s jaw was hard as iron. “Please tell me you don’t really expect me to eat anything right now.”
“Shall I ask for to-go boxes?”
The sexual frustration and hunger rolled off him in waves. She had unleashed a sleeping dragon. A beautiful creature capable of creating great destruction.
He stared at her, his gaze hot. “Fine.”
This time, Nikki was the one to summon the waiter. Soon, the check was taken care of, and Nikki had a paper bag in front of her. It was imprinted with the restaurant’s name and held two clear plastic boxes, one with tiramisu, the other pecan pie.
She stood up on shaky legs. “Are we done?”
Jake stood, as well. His feral smile made the hair rise on the back of her neck. “We’re not done, Nikki. Not even close.”