Page 54 of Slow Burn
No matter the pain, she wouldn’t cause a scene at Josh and Sophie’s wedding.
She kept her gaze focused on the third button of Jake’s pristine white dress shirt, trying not to cry. His body was big and hard and warm, and he smelled amazing. His hand clasping hers was strong and tanned. He had mentioned Greece. Probably because he had a favorite villa there that he rented whenever the mood took him.
What kind of women did Jake entertain when he went to the Mediterranean? The odd thing was that Nikki didn’t really care about all those faceless females. She loved him as he was—imperfect, fierce, generous, sweet with Emma...and the perfect lover in Nikki’s bed.
Once, he had been her whole world. Having him back in Jersey now, even fleetingly, had shown her why her marriage hadn’t worked out. It had also underlined the truth that some feelings never die. She loved Jake Lowell, and she probably always would.
The dance finally ended. Jake and Nikki stood at the edge of the floor, not speaking, and watched as the bride and groom enjoyed their first dance. After that, the tempo picked up. Alcohol flowed freely, and the crowd became more raucous.
“I have to go to the restroom,” Nikki said. She pulled her clutch from Jake’s pocket and slipped away before he could say anything. In the ladies’ lounge she found a seat and repaired her lipstick. One glance in the mirror told her she was hiding her feelings fairly well. Only her eyes gave her away. She pinched her cheeks and put a wet paper towel on the back of her neck.
She wanted badly to go home. But it was a very long way. If she hired a car, it would cost a fortune.
When she returned to the reception, Jake was nowhere in sight. Some kind of buzz circled the room. Clumps of guests stood here and there, looking either startled or worried or both.
Nikki found Haley, who looked shell-shocked. “What happened?” Nikki asked. “I can’t find Jake. What’s going on?”
Haley lowered her voice. “Somebody just brought word that Vernon has escaped from custody.”
“Oh, no. Poor Joshua. Poor Sophie. What a dreadful thing to happen today of all days.”
Suddenly, Joshua strode across the room in their direction. His face was stormy. When he stood right in front of the two women, he sighed. “Jake is gone, Nikki.”
She gaped at him. “What do you mean gone? I don’t understand.”
“He and Oliver left to go find our dad.”
Nikki shook her head slowly. “No. That doesn’t even make sense.”
Josh rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know that. Neither of them was particularly rational when we got the news.”
“Vernon could be anywhere,” Haley said.
Nikki felt sick. “I’m so sorry, Josh. Is Sophie upset?”
At last, he smiled. “My new bride is a saint. We’re going to contact the travel agency and delay our honeymoon for a few days. Once again, Vernon has screwed me over. I don’t know how this keeps happening.”
Nikki touched his arm. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Maybe keep my twin from losing his mind.”
She winced. “I don’t have any control over your brother. Sorry. He told me he was leaving Falling Brook as soon as the wedding was over. He was pretty insistent about it. I tried to talk to him, but we had a big fight.”
Haley frowned. “But you came to the wedding together.”
“We had a temporary truce,” Nikki said. “I guess it’s over.”
Joshua glanced over his shoulder, clearly looking for his bride. “I’ve got to get back to the lovely Mrs. Lowell. Jake sent you a text, Nikki. Check your phone. I’ll see you ladies later. God help us if they don’t find Vernon. I don’t know if this town can handle that kind of news.”