Page 14 of The Comeback Heir
But she did.
And it wasn’t conceit to think Wynn felt some of the same emotions. When she looked at him, she didn’t see the successful entrepreneur. The eyes that stared back into hers were turbulent with emotion, with need.
That knowledge made it hard for Felicity to regard this situation as nothing more than a temporary favor for a friend.
He refused to give up Ayla while he ate. The little girl smiled at Felicity as if she had enjoyed a full night of sleep.
Felicity grinned at the baby. “You’re going to have to give your new daddy a break. He’s a very important man. And he’s closing in on middle age, so he needs his rest.”
Wynn tried to glare, but he ruined it with a grin. “Bite me,” he said. But the words held little heat.
They finished the meal in harmony. Ayla was entertained with an endless supply of Cheerios. At last, Felicity stood. “Give her to me and stick the little crib in my room. I don’t care what you do. Sleep or go to work or do the Times crossword puzzle. But Ayla is mine for the next eight hours.”
He handed her the baby. “Bossy much?”
“You would know.”
She stopped short, her face flushing. The words tumbled out unbidden. Wynn used to tease her about being bossy in bed. It was a joke. He had taught her everything she knew about sex back then...or maybe they had learned together. “I’m sorry,” she said. “That comment was inappropriate.”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Fliss.” He ran both hands through his hair, making him look even more rumpled and yummy. “We’ve seen each other naked. There’s no getting over that. You don’t have to tiptoe around our past.”
“But I don’t have to bring it up either,” she snapped. “We may have known each other once, but we don’t now. We’re different people.”
“If you say so.”
His sarcasm grated. Felicity clutched the baby. “I’m serious. This is my shift. You’ve said you trust me. So go...”
Felicity had been right about one thing. She didn’t know much about taking care of an infant. But she could learn.
By the time she had given Ayla a bottle, burped her and changed her diaper, it didn’t take much to get the baby to sleep on her shoulder. She put her in the travel crib and tiptoed out of the room.
She couldn’t go far without a monitor. Maybe Shandy hadn’t been able to afford one.
Because she didn’t know how long this nap would last, she called the baby store immediately. In her mind, she had pictured a matronly proprietor. But the woman who answered the phone—the one whose number Wynn had given Felicity—sounded very young.
Had Wynn dated this woman? Was that why he knew to call her?
She told herself not to be paranoid.
Quickly, Felicity identified herself and suggested emailing the list. While both women were on the phone, the store manager looked over what Felicity had sent. She had a few suggestions and additions. Then she asked about colors. That stumped Felicity.
“Can you get started on the big stuff?” Felicity asked. “I’ll check with Mr. Oliver and call you back shortly.”
As if Felicity had conjured him, moments later she found Wynn standing in her bedroom, looking at the sleeping child.
He glanced up, his smile wry. “Oh, sure,” he whispered. “Now she decides to sleep.”
“She’s probably exhausted from last night.” They stepped out into the hall, and Felicity closed the door gently. “Why are you awake? Or why aren’t you dressed for work?”
He shrugged. “I tried to sleep. No luck. So I’ll get ready and go in a few minutes. Did you speak to the baby store?”
“I did. We nailed down most of the list, but she asked about colors. Do you want to go with a pink and white theme, or something less traditional?”
Wynn slumped against the wall, rubbing his forehead as if it ached. Probably did. “Shandy wasn’t at all traditional. She always followed her own path. I guess I’d prefer something unisex. Woodland creatures, maybe. Ayla means moonlight. Maybe something along those lines?”
“Got it, boss.”
“Don’t make me spank you.”