Page 41 of The Comeback Heir
Without saying a word, Wynn reached out and squeezed her hand. Her fingers clung to his for a moment, and then she released him. While she appreciated his support, leaning on Wynn when she was planning to abandon him and his daughter seemed wrong.
At the back of the property, they found a clearing with a large fire circle and a double ring of wooden bench seats. The ground was thick with pine needles. This area was clearly used for social events.
Felicity grimaced. “I think my black dress is going to be over-the-top.”
Wynn shot her a rueful glance. “Maybe. But on the other hand, you’ll be the closest family member in attendance, so it wouldn’t be entirely unexpected if your outfit was more formal.”
“I suppose.” Her stomach growled audibly.
Wynn laughed. “I’d better feed you an early dinner before you get hangry. That’s a real word now, isn’t it?”
She nodded. “I love how pop culture can invent something so descriptive, and we all know what it means.”
They ended up at a small seafood restaurant. From the outside, the rough-planked, one-story building didn’t inspire confidence. But the hush puppies and shrimp were perfection.
They had almost finished eating when Wynn got a text. He glanced at his watch. “Missy has Ayla in the stroller and is walking her around the parking lot. I need to get back so I can play with her before bedtime.”
“Of course,” Felicity said. Awkwardness bloomed. With Missy along for this trip, Felicity felt superfluous. “Is there anything I can do to help tonight...with the baby, I mean?”
Wynn’s eyes were on the road, his profile barely visible in the fading light. “Thanks for offering, but I think we’ve got it covered.” He shot her a glance. “You need to relax. Tomorrow will take a lot out of you.”
He was speaking from experience. She knew that. And though he hid it well, his emotional stress was probably still a factor now that he faced raising Shandy’s baby.
At the hotel, she said a quick good-night and escaped to her room.
Once inside, the four beige walls mocked her. She dreaded tomorrow, plain and simple. Especially the trip to the funeral home, where she would be required to view her father’s body.
She hated this experience, all of it, especially the fact that she wanted to lean on Wynn. He was not going to be a long-term part of her life, so she might as well keep clear boundaries.
After showering and washing and drying her hair, she touched up her manicure and tried to watch something on TV. But it was useless. She lay on the uncomfortable mattress and stared at the ceiling.
She felt buzzed, not anywhere close to being sleepy.
She was scared about tomorrow...
She missed Wynn...
At midnight, she still hadn’t nodded off. At twelve fifteen, her phone vibrated. It was a text from Wynn.
I can’t sleep...
She stared at the message, wondering how to respond. If she didn’t answer, he would assume she was asleep. But she wasn’t asleep.
A great chasm of uncertainty opened at her feet. If she crossed this line, she would be telling him she was available for his pleasure and hers. Was she prepared to do that? Knowing that she planned to leave him sooner than later?
Her ivory silk gown was far more flattering than flannel pajamas. And tonight, Wynn’s focus wouldn’t be about comforting her. This would be a round of mutually satisfying sex.
Her heartbeat sped up enough to make her shaky. Her hands and feet were cold, though the room was warm. Her nipples pebbled against the bodice of her gown.
She looked at her phone, trying to decipher the layers of unspoken communication.
Finally, she got out of bed and crossed the room. With one flick of her hand, she turned the dead bolt. And then she hit Reply.
My door is unlocked...