Page 50 of The Comeback Heir
Nipping his bottom lip with her teeth, she coaxed him toward the limits of control. “I don’t want careful tonight,” she said. “Show me your wild side. Push us both to the edge.”
His chest heaved. His face flushed. “Be careful what you ask for.” He found the single button at the back of her neck, freed it, and lifted her top over her head. Her sheer black bra matched her panties. He paused to admire it, then worked on her skirt.
It frustrated them both when she had to stand up and step out of the skirt, but soon she was back in his lap, her arms curled around his neck. She was shaking, wanting, pleading.
She covered his face in kisses even as he squeezed her ass and groaned. “Don’t make me wait,” she moaned, leaning into him until he had to fall back in the chair.
He wrapped one arm around her waist, dragging her against his chest. “You drive me crazy,” he said hoarsely. “I don’t know how it happens.”
She chuckled, running one hand through his thick, luxuriant hair. “It’s because I know you. All of you. The same way you know me. It’s dangerous, but it’s good.”
Wynn stared at her as if her words had struck a nerve. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so honest. But it was true.
They had nothing to hide from each other. To Felicity, the blue-collar billionaire from Falcon’s Notch was simply an ordinary man beneath his bespoke suits and expensive watches and shoes. Once upon a time, he had lain naked with Felicity in a grove of pine trees and made love with her under a harvest moon.
That sort of a thing stayed with a person, no matter how much wealth piled up in the bank.
The two of them were successful, but they could never escape their past, even if they wanted to...
He urged her to her feet. “I’m ready this time,” he said, producing protection from his pants pocket.
She smiled. “I like that about you.”
While she watched, he undressed quickly, without an ounce of self-consciousness. Felicity stood with her arms crossed. The less he wore, the more comfortable she felt in her two remaining items of clothing.
At last, his tall, broad, beautiful body was bare...completely.
Her nerves returned. His magnificence was a little overwhelming. That boy in the woods had been less intimidating.
He cocked his head, studying her face. “What’s wrong, Fliss? Second thoughts?”
“Not at all.” She swallowed, her throat dry. “I get nervous right about now. Every time.”
Wynn picked her up. “Wrap your legs around my waist. Why, baby? What’s there to be nervous about?”
She waved a hand. “I don’t want to go back to the past. Not at all. But the old you was easier.”
Now a small frown creased his forehead. “Easier?”
“I knew what you were thinking,” she said. “What you wanted.”
“I’m the same guy, Fliss, I swear.”
“No,” she said slowly. “I don’t think you are. But it’s all right. I like you anyway.”
There was a wheeze in his ragged chuckle as he carried her a few steps across the room. “Your brain is a labyrinth,” he said. “I hope we find our way back out.”
“Where are we going?” she asked. “I thought you were in a big hurry.”
“Oh, I am,” he said, pinching her butt. “But you asked for wild and edgy. I aim to please.”
“Wynn!” She gasped when he dropped her to her feet and bent her over the arm of the sofa. Before she could say a word, he had used his discarded necktie to secure her wrists over her head.
He groaned. “Damn, woman. What a view.”
“I’m still wearing my bits and pieces,” she pointed out.
“I know. Makes it erotic.” He reached beneath her with both hands and caressed her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra. “This is what you asked for, my sweet. Standing on the edge.” He put one hand in the small of her back and pressed. “Do you feel wild yet? Out of control?”
“Getting there,” she muttered, breathing hard. She knew he was teasing her, but the game was working. She wiggled her bottom. “I’m ready, really ready. And the edge is plenty close.”
“Patience,” he whispered, the words silky with sensual threat. “We’ll both go over together, I promise.”