Page 52 of The Comeback Heir
He entered her with a single finger.
Felicity tried not to hyperventilate. “Don’t make me come,” she pleaded. “Not yet. Not without you inside me.”
“I don’t think you’re in any position to issue demands. When a man and a woman go to the edge, anything can happen.” Gently, he stroked the tiny spot that made her moan.
Wynn was pushing her closer and closer. And he knew it, damn him.
“Please,” she begged. “Either let me go, or...”
He moved suddenly, crouching on the floor beside her. His eyes glowed like molten emeralds. “Or what, Fliss?”
She was helpless when he kissed her. His lips were firm and warm, his tongue insistent as he probed her mouth.
“I want you,” she said. “Now.”
He broke the kiss and sat back on his haunches. “Wild and edgy. My choice.”
She frowned. “Why do you get to pick?”
His smile made her toes curl against the carpet.
“Because I’m in charge tonight.”
He moved to his original position. She heard a foil packet being torn open. Felt his fingers spreading her, readying her.
“Wynn...” She breathed his name in shock. Had she known he was going to call her bluff?
His sex was full and heavy. He penetrated her slowly. “Hang on, Fliss.”
When she found the energy to rise onto her elbows again, the slight change in position drover him deeper.
They groaned in unison.
“Please don’t ever stop,” she said with all sincerity.
He leaned over and into her, his laugh hoarse and winded. “I’ll do my best, baby.”
Slowly, he made love to her. With his body if not with his heart.
In that instant, Felicity knew she was lost. Because she was in love with him. And it hurt. Like an old wound that had never healed.
She had gone on with her life. Had found meaning and purpose and happiness.
But nothing had ever been as good as this.
She knew it never would.
Wynn wrapped his hand in her hair. “Tell me you want me,” he demanded. “Tell me now.”
“I want you.” That much she could give him. Not the other. Not her easily bruised heart.
He picked up the pace. Gripping her hips, he pounded into her until he gave a hoarse shout and came. Felicity groaned and found her release amidst his. Her climax was sharp and sweet, the ripples endless.
Eventually, their skin cooled.
Wynn muttered something unintelligible before leaning forward to untie her wrists. Then he helped her to her feet.
Felicity was mortified when she wobbled, and Wynn laughed.