Page 60 of The Comeback Heir
Wynn’s entire body went rigid. He might have been holding his breath. “Yes,” he muttered.
Without further discussion, he took her by the hand and led her through the maze of people. The crowd’s mood was celebratory. Alcohol flowed. The band finished the last slow song and kicked things up a notch.
No one paid a bit of attention to the tall man and the blonde woman winding their way toward the door.
When they finally reached the hallway, the reduction in decibels was striking. Wynn backed Felicity against the wall and kissed her until they were both trembling and panting.
“It’s a long way to your apartment,” she said. Her words weren’t exactly a complaint, but the thought of waiting seemed impossible.
Hunger was a ravenous tempter, luring them both with soft growls and shivering delight.
Wynn looked around wildly. “I have an idea,” he said. He tugged her onto the freight elevator and pushed a button.
The party was in full swing on the fourth floor of the warehouse, but two levels down—the floor where Wynn and Felicity now got off—the huge empty space was cavernous and dark. Their footsteps echoed eerily.
Felicity clutched his hand. “This is spooky.”
His grin was a flash of white teeth in the gloom. “I swear I’ll protect you, little girl.”
She gave him a wry look. “Why does that sound like the big bad wolf coaxing me to my doom?”
Wynn stopped short, took her hand, and placed it palm flat on his chest—right over his thundering heartbeat. “If you’re doomed, I’ll be right there with you.”
She felt the rhythm of his excitement. It echoed hers. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” she teased.
When he released her, he cupped her face in his hands. “We’re about to do something a little dangerous and chancy. If you’d rather call a cab, we can head home now.”
She shivered hard, feeling the lure of Wynn’s potent masculinity. “I’m not afraid,” she said. “Not ever with you.”
“Good.” Deliberately, he cupped her breast and squeezed, thumbing the nipple through the fabric. His breathing was harsh, ragged.
In the near dark, his expression was hard to read. A man intent on sex had a certain focus, a recognizable posture. But this was more. Wynn seemed almost desperate.
He led her deeper into the uninhabited space. Nothing had been done here, no renovation, no upkeep. At some point, the walls had been ripped out...or maybe there were never walls to begin with.
They were now as far from the hallway and the elevator as possible. Though light streamed through huge windows, the deep shadows were perfect cover for clandestine activities.
Felicity caught the lapel of Wynn’s jacket. “I’m nobody, but what happens if you get caught?”
“Not a damn thing, I swear. We’re not doing anything wrong.”
She exhaled. “Okay.”
He backed her against a steel girder and put his hands under her skirt. “Hell, Fliss. Your skin is so soft.”
The metal was cold against her back. He started at her knees and caressed his way up her thighs to her waist. His hands were large and slightly rough. As he toyed with her panties, he distracted her with a kiss. When he ripped the silky bikinis in half, she gaped at him.
“How am I going to get home?” she squeaked, feeling a blush suffuse her entire body.
Wynn’s low chuckle made the hair on her arms stand up. “We’ll have fun on the way, won’t we?”
He didn’t give her time to process that thought. Instead, he dove in for another kiss, this one harder and more demanding than the last. For a panicked moment she thought he was going to take down her hair.
She flinched and touched his hand when he removed a single pin. But then reason must have prevailed. “Sorry, baby,” he said. “I know I have to keep you looking presentable.”
“It might be a good idea.” Her breath was ragged. “We still have to leave this building.”