Page 66 of The Comeback Heir
After Felicity and Derek ate hot dogs on a park bench, she chuckled and wiped mustard off her fingers. “Enough about me,” she said. “You’re dragging out the suspense. I’m dying to know. What’s your big news? I can’t imagine you’re leaving the airline. So what is it?”
He beamed. “I’m engaged.”
“Seriously?” Derek had played the field for years. A very big field.
He nodded, his expression happy enough to make her jealous of his good fortune. “We met in London. Her name is Naomi. She’s a physician’s assistant at a local clinic. I had a bad allergy attack early in September when I was over there. Naomi nursed me back to health.”
“Wow,” she said, laughing. “It’s like a movie.”
“I know,” he said, his expression smug.
“I’m so glad you texted me. This is awesome. Have you set a wedding date?”
“We’re thinking late spring...and a honeymoon in Greece. I’d love for you to meet her.”
Felicity hedged. “It would be hard for me to get away anytime soon because of the baby, but let’s stay in touch.”
Ayla had been napping contentedly in the stroller. Felicity knew it was time to get back.
“I’ll walk with you,” Derek said. “My hotel is in that direction.”
When they were in front of Wynn’s building, Derek raised an eyebrow. “This must be a pricey address.”
Felicity nodded. “Wynn has done very well for himself, especially considering where we both started out in life.”
Derek stared at her. “Wait a minute. Are you telling me this is the guy who broke your heart in high school? And you’re working for him now?”
She winced. “I’m doing him a favor. It’s complicated.”
He glanced at his watch. “Damn. I have to go. But I want to hear the rest of this story, Felicity.”
“No story,” she said lightly. “Nothing to tell.”
He kissed her on the mouth and wrapped her in a huge hug. Felicity didn’t mind his boisterous affection. That was Derek’s way.
She returned the kiss, but on the cheek, and hugged him back. “Take care of yourself,” she said.
He squatted in front of the stroller. “Bye, little cutie.”
From behind them, a deep voice with a chilly edge spoke. “Am I interrupting?”
Felicity spun around, her heart in her throat. “Wynn. You’re back?”
He stared at her, his gaze narrowed. “I am. And who might this be? I see my daughter already knows him.”
Hastily, Felicity made the introductions.
Derek shook Wynn’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Oliver. I hate to run, but I have a flight to catch.” He smiled at Felicity. “I’ll keep you posted.”
When he loped off down the street, Wynn bent and took Ayla out of the stroller. “You girls have had a busy day.”
She couldn’t place the odd note in his voice. “Derek had a short layover. We were catching up.” She felt guilty for no good reason, and that made her confused and defensive. “How was your flight?” she asked.
“And your meetings?”
“The same...”