Page 70 of The Comeback Heir
Wynn stared, incredulous. The light changed. A symphony of car horns blared behind him. He eased forward, trying to keep Felicity in sight. His blood pressure shot up.
There wasn’t a parking spot in ten city blocks. So he ran up onto the curb in front of a small floral business and shoved the gearshift into Park. He jumped out and ran after her, yelling. “Stop, Fliss. You’re acting crazy.”
A middle-aged Hispanic shopkeeper glared at him. “Don’t you call a woman loca, mi hijo. It’s rude.”
Wynn gave the lady a tight smile as he ran by but didn’t answer. He was worried sick about Felicity. What if she had a concussion?
He caught her in the next block. “You can have my credit card,” he said, panting. “But let me take you to the hotel and check you in.”
She was weaving on her feet, her pallor alarming. “Okay.”
When they got back to his car, a cop was writing a ticket and tucking it under the windshield wiper. The man frowned. “Good thing you showed up. I was about to call a tow truck.”
Wynn gritted his teeth. “Sorry, officer. This lady was in the crash at LaGuardia. I’m trying to get her to the doctor.”
The policeman’s expression was dubious. He looked at Felicity. “Do you need any help, ma’am?”
Felicity thought about it. For one panicked second, Wynn thought she was going to let the NYPD take care of her.
“No,” she finally said. “But thank you.”
Wynn folded the ticket and put it in his pocket. Felicity was worth it.
Because he was afraid of what she might do next, he drove her to the hotel as she had asked. Once they had a room, he called his personal physician and requested a house call.
There were times when he wasn’t at all squeamish about throwing his money around. This was one of them.
Felicity didn’t want to see a doctor, but he didn’t give her a choice. Standing in the hallway during the exam felt like an eternity. When the middle-aged physician exited, he gave Wynn a wry smile.
“I like your lady,” he said. “She’ll be fine, but I’ve left a light sedative. She may have nightmares, you know.”
“Thank you,” Wynn said. “I really appreciate it.”
When the man waved and entered the elevator, Wynn knocked quietly on Felicity’s door and stepped inside. She was sitting on the side of the bed looking lost.
He didn’t know what to do. His heart was cracking in half, and it hurt like hell.
He had messed up so badly, he wasn’t sure if anything could be fixed. Maybe it was too late.
“Fliss. The doc says you’re going to be okay. But he wants you to take the meds so you can rest tonight.”
She turned her head in his direction, her gaze dull. “It’s hours till bedtime. I won’t forget.”
“Honey...” He knelt on the floor beside the bed and took her hand. “I didn’t mean those things I said yesterday. I was scared, scared that I could never be the man you deserve. I couldn’t bear the thought of us trying another relationship and me screwing it up. I acted like a lunatic. God knows, I don’t deserve it, but please forgive me.”
“You don’t love me.”
The pain in her eyes crucified him. He swallowed hard. “Yes. Yes, I do. Enough for ten lifetimes, but I thought it was better to let you find somebody else. A guy less selfish than me. Less driven. Less cold.”
She shrugged. “You’re making excuses. But it doesn’t really matter, does it? We were never going to be anything more than what we’ve been for the last month. Temporary lovers. And now, not even that.”
“Fliss, I—”
She interrupted him. “Who has the baby?”
“My admin. Missy’s mother. I called her as soon as I heard about the accident.”
She pulled her hand from his grasp and wrapped her arms around her waist. “You should get back to your daughter. It was kind of you to check on me, but I’m fine.”