Page 68 of Sleepwalker
He shrugged. “Just been thinking, that’s all. Victor was always giving Mara a hard time. Maybe he went too far.”
They had been fighting before she disappeared. Victor was a bully, but did that make him capable of murder?
We reached Werewolf Row where Dominic hauled me in front of Byron, quickly explaining where he had found me. I stared at my feet, my cheeks hot. Amelia had been in the room when we arrived, sitting in a chair to my left. I didn’t dare meet her gaze.
“That’s enough for now,” Byron told Dominic. “Go back to your task.”
Dominic hesitated a hair too long, enough to make me glance at him, but his face was a mask, and he turned to leave.
I stood in front of Byron’s desk, mortified. Disappointing the alpha was about the most foolish thing I could do. Now he knew that I was a traitor, that I had gone straight to Margo to warn her. I’d gone there in a bluster of anger and grief, but her face… she’d had no idea what I was talking about. She was as scared as the rest of us. And she thought I was making the whole thing up because I had gone and told her about werewolves.
But she wasn’t a murderer.
“She didn’t do it.” I couldn’t believe I was even capable of speaking in front of Byron, but somebody had to see sense before Margo got hurt. “I know she didn’t. She has no idea what I was talking about. They’ll kill her without even knowing the truth.”
“I agree,” Byron said, surprising me. “That’s why I sent Dominic to protect her home tonight. Which is how he found you.”
Amelia sat in a chair at the side of the desk, studying me. “We need to know more. None of us want an innocent girl to get hurt.” She glanced at Byron. “I think we’ve had enough of that by now.”
“Dominic won’t protect her,” I said. “He’s too busy trying to blame her or anyone. I know he’s upset—I am, too—but he’s going to get somebody killed.”
“He’s right about Dom,” Amelia said thoughtfully. “There are too many dominant wolves here for this kind of event. They’ll go crazy for want of protecting their own. The loss of a female wolf in particular is hitting hard, and the atmosphere around here has been off since I got back.”
“I’ll control the pack,” Byron said. “Things will die down when we find the killer, but Dorian, the girl’s scent was around the scene of… She was there, in the place Mara died. Do you know something about this?”
It was time to confess. “There’s something different about her. She just… winds up in places she shouldn’t. She was at the place where Alex died, too.” I didn’t dare lift my gaze. “One time I found her with the rabbits I’d hunted. She told me she has a sleepwalking problem, and maybe that doesn’t explain everything, but she’s taking medication for it. I saw the tablets. And I talked to her, questioned her. I can tell she has no idea what’s happening. I think maybe she was sleepwalking that time she interrupted Amelia’s circle.”
“That’s intriguing,” Amelia said. “But she could be a convincing liar.”
“She’s not. When I went to her tonight, she was wearing the same clothes she’s had on since school, and there was no blood on her, no marks or injuries. What reason could she have to hurt one of us?Howcould she do it? She’s been to the self-defence class. She’s not as strong as us. She couldn’t have broken Mara’s neck.”
“She was strong when she interrupted us,” Amelia said. “I might go see the girl. Maybe I’ll be able to read her a little.”
“Mara and Alex were killed by a werewolf,” I whispered, barely able to get the words out, I felt like such a traitor. “And probably Eric, too. He was so happy when he was allowed to stay here. He wouldn’t have just left.”
“There seems to be a lot more to this,” Amelia said. “The spirit, the girl, the murders… it all has to be connected. I just can’t see how. We desperately need to learn more—before it’s too late.”
“Be careful,” Byron said. “I thought I could rewrite history, wipe out the darkness of the past, but I was wrong, and it doesn’t matter who the killer is if we’re all at risk.”
“I don’t thinkIam,” she said thoughtfully. “But I will be careful. Dorian, walk me out. I want to pick your brains a little.” She beckoned me to follow her.
I hesitated, looking at Byron. “I’m not in trouble?”
Byron’s expression softened. “You did what you thought was best. I wish the others would make tempered decisions as often as you do. But no more running around at night alone. It’s too dangerous.”
I nodded and left the room, closing the door behind me.
Outside, Amelia held my arm to still me. “This could be dangerous for you, Dorian. You can’t get in the way when the time comes to confront the killer, no matter who they are.”
“I wasn’t planning to,” I said sullenly.
Ryan came into the hallway then stopped short.
“You may already have gotten in their way.” She waved Ryan over. He hesitated as though considering leaving. “I need your help,” she said pleadingly.
He glanced at me then came over. “What is it?”
“I want to consult the spirit board again. Will you help me?”