Page 55 of Firestarter
“I don’t hate you, Margo. Come on. I would never hate you. Why do you automatically think the worst of me all of the time?”
“I don’t,” she said forcefully. “I swear I don’t. Everything I do turns out so wrong. I would never intentionally hurt anyone.”
I made a sound of annoyance. “I know that. If you had trusted yourself, none of this would have happened, so stop listening to Amelia so blindly.”
“She was trying to help, too.”
When would she stop defending Amelia? “What exactly happened?”
“I’m not sure,” she said in a small, vulnerable voice that made me want to protect her. “We held hands, and I felt death, but in a different way. It’s so hard to explain, but I felt so close to taking it. It was so tempting.”
“Taking it? Death?” A shiver ran down my spine. “What do you mean?”
“It was like I could use it, force it to obey me, and I felt so safe because Amelia’s magic was sort of protecting me from the cold.”
“So you didn’t feel cold at all?”
She hesitated. “Not at first. I heard this voice say something about it not being meant to be, and that it was time to stop, and then everything hurt. It was like the cold stabbed me through the chest. It sounds crazy, but it felt like somebody physically pulled us apart. After that, everything hit me at once, and I passed out.”
“We don’t fully understand her magic or yours, so I think it’s too dangerous to put those two unknowns together. It’s not worth the risk. You’re the one who ends up getting hurt, and I can’t stand it.”
“I’ll be more careful. I promise. Forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive now,” I said. “Perdita and the baby are okay. Take care of yourself and let your parents know that the pack will deal with things on our end first. After that, my family want to meet up with yours to talk about what happened.”
“My parents want that, too,” she said. “Can you tell Perdita that I’m sorry? I understand if none of you want to see me again.”
“Stop being an idiot about it,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood. “She was sticking up for you both earlier. She knows you were trying to help. Nathan’s a little mad, but at his sister, not at you. You are okay, right?”
She hesitated too long. “I’ll be fine.”
I couldn’t get any more out of her than that, so I left it alone until we met face to face.