Page 24 of Shapeshifter
“You’re the one who tried to make me see the good when I didn’t want to live here,” I told her. “I’m who I am because of you.”
She patted my cheek. “Stay safe at school. Don’t go home alone. Don’t walk anywhere alone. Call me immediately if you need a lift.”
“I’ll be with Dorian. You know I’ll be safe.”
She made a face. “I’m glad you’re getting along, but don’t let him be your only friend, okay?”
“I won’t.” I checked the time. “There’s no point going in so close to break. We could skive off for long enough to grab a late breakfast, right?”
She grinned. “You’re on.”
Still processingeverything that had happened, I avoided Chloe and Emma until lunch. In the lunchroom, they dragged me to a table and asked me a thousand questions about my experience at the police station. My explanations didn’t ease their minds.
“I can’t believe they aren’t making a big deal out of this,” Chloe said. “I mean, what if something happens and they did nothing to stop it? Do they think everyone will ignore that?”
“That’s it.” Emma tapped her fingernails on the table. “We’ll have to go to the station and report it, too. I mean if we make ourselves annoying enough, they’ll have to pay attention.”
“They can only do what their job allows.” I agreed with the girls’ sentiments, but there was only so much anybody could do for us. “We don’t have any evidence. It’s just our word. They’ll only take us seriously if something else happens.”
“That could be too late.” Chloe sounded furious. “I hate this.”
Emma gazed at me with sad eyes. “You must be so scared, Margo.”
“I’m doing okay.” As long as nobody else got hurt because of me. “If I stay around people, then they won’t be able to get to me without leaving witnesses, right? I think they’re trying to scare me. Maybe they’ll get tired of it and leave.”
Chloe shot me a scornful look then waved Dorian and Victor over. “You two better make sure nothing else happens if even the police won’t take care of her.”
The boys slipped into the empty seats at our table.
“The police won’t do anything?” Victor asked.
“Not much they can do. Car was probably stolen or something.”
“Maybe the police were trying not to scare you,” Dorian said. “If they’re aware of the situation, they might keep a closer eye on things without telling you.”
“It’s still annoying,” Emma said with a sigh. “I need to get my books ready for the last few classes. Coming, Chloe?”
Chloe stood. “Victor, carry my bag for me.”
He was on his feet and obeying before he even realised what she said. He looked confused as he followed the girls out of the lunchroom.
I turned to laugh about it with Dorian, but his expression was deadly serious. “What’s with you?”
“We’re going to have to make sure you’re never alone until this is over.”
“Wow, sounds fun.” I teased. “I vaguely remember you slagging off Nathan for being stupid enough to act like that with Perdita.”
“That’s different,” he said without hesitation. “They’re mates. They’re stuck with each other.”
His tone was lighthearted, but the words cut me a little. I stared at him for a long moment because it had occurred to me that the harbingers weren’t the only way I could lose the support of the pack.
Dorian's face fell. “What is it?”
“What happens when you meet your mate?”
He physically recoiled. “What did you just say?”
“Your mate,” I persisted. “The whole soulmate thing. What happens when you meet yours?”