Page 57 of Shapeshifter
I hadn’t been able to explain what happened to me at the police station, and I still didn’t want to get into it. My throat hurt too much.
“Can we sleep?” I asked. “Please?”
My parents exchanged a glance.
“I’ll keep watch,” Dorian said.
“But stay with me,” I said. “I don’t want to be alone.”
My parents relented and let him stay with me until I fell asleep, as long as my bedroom door remained open.
We sat together on my bed, me leaning into him, desperate for warmth. No amount of blankets could help me.
“Margo?” he asked after a while. “Are you still taking your pills?”
“They don’t work,” I admitted. “Not for a while.”
“Are you hurting?”
“Just cold.” Except it hurt to even breathe. I had to hold it together. But I had promised I wouldn’t hide things from Dorian. “I’m scared of him.”
“What did he do to you?”
“Showed me what he could do. I could see him deciding who to hurt, how death went from one person to another. It was terrifying but worse, it was like he could control it perfectly, send it to whoever he wanted.”
“Like the shadow on the mountain?”
“Maybe.” I sucked in a breath then regretted it because it filled my chest with sharp, icy air. “He was happy to hurt any of us, and I… I had to do something. I tried to stop it, but I absorbed it or something because I’m so cold now that it hurts. When he realised I was doing something to stop him, he was happy and disgusted all at once. He barely spoke, but when he did, he made it sound like he would have killed me if I couldn’t see death.” I couldn’t stop thinking about those ethereal hands I saw claw at Eli’s face. “I saw… I don’t know what I saw. I’m so confused.”
“He’s not going to get away with this,” Dorian said in a strained voice. “I can’t let him.”
“You can’t do anything. Alison was going to try, but he would have killed her. You don’t understand how scary he is, Dorian. If he can control death, he could kill the entire pack without you even knowing what’s coming.”
“Everything has limits,” he said with confidence. “If he could do it so easily, he would have managed to kill everyone already. He tried to scare you, and you stopped him, so he’ll think twice.”
“I don’t know how many more times I can stop him,” I whispered. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to take this. What if all of the harbingers can send death our way? What if this is what those old stories are about? Maybe they killed packs of werewolves like this. I’m so scared for you, for me, for all of us. I don’t know what to do.”
“We’re alive right now,” he said. “You faced him and won. He ran like a coward. He’s in hiding like a coward. Whatever he planned tonight, it didn’t work. It won’t ever work.”
“Alison looked terrified.”
“Eli sounds scary.”
“She was scared ofme.”
“Don’t worry about her,” he said gently. “You’re not the monster here.”
I shivered at the word Eli had used for me. If even he thought me a monster, then what the hell was I?
The entire packhad been a whirlwind of movement all day. Everyone was on edge, gossiping, and preparing for what might happen next. I was about to lose my mind waiting for Ryan and Jorge to arrive with Margo and her parents for a meeting with Byron. To burn time, I sought out Alison.
She was in front of the shed with Victor, looking miserable.
“Hey,” I called out as I jogged over. “Alison, what do remember about Eli? You might have picked up something Margo didn’t.”