Page 60 of Shut Up and Kiss Me
“Lawyer and racer,” I said with a smile. It was my favorite too.
“Wolf?” she asked, moving her fingertips to the animal’s profile on my shoulder.
“Fox,” I corrected.
“A fox?” She wrinkled her nose, too damned cute naked and next to me.
“Silver-tongued fox.” Fuck, I liked the way that rolled off my tongue.
“I’ll say,” she breathed against my lips before kissing me. I couldn’t have been more proud of how far I’d come. At the compliment of having a satisfied Tasha Montgomery trust me with every single part of her.
“Come here,” I said, lifting the blankets and covering us both. I didn’t want to talk anymore. I wanted to hold her and sleep in and deal with tomorrow when it came. I pressed a kiss to her forehead, loving the way she wrapped an arm around my waist and smashed her naked breasts against me.
Mine,my mind echoed. I didn’t overthink it.
“You’re in a good mood tonight,” Devlin pointed out, stepping from his office at Oak & Sage and locking the door behind him. I shrugged as I lined the trash can with a fresh bag.
He grinned. Wide.
“What?” I barked.
“Didn’t peg you for a bang-in-the-park kind of guy, but whatever.”
The rest of the kitchen crew had gone, which left just Devlin and me—and the dishwasher, who was noisily finishing a final load. For that reason, I didn’t pummel my half brother into silence.
“Fuck,” I said. Stupid Baron.
“Well, if you want to be crass about it, I guess you could call it fucking.” Devlin was still grinning, the bastard.
The dishwasher, a short guy named Juan, poked his head around the corner. “Finished, boss,” he told Dev.
“Thanks, man. Go out the side. We’ll lock up.” Once Juan had gone, Dev turned back to me. “Baron told Roy. Roy told Rena’s mom.”
I put a hand to my head and massaged my now-aching head. “Rena’s mom knows?” I dragged that letter M out a little, but maybe it was because I wasn’t happy to hear how this news had trickled to parents who didn’t need to know these sorts of things.
“She knows you were in the park after hours. I think Roy spared her Baron’s opinion that you and Tasha were doing something other than therapy.” He tilted his head, sending his longish black hair over his forehead, and narrowed his eyes. “Seems to be working, though. Who knew the way to untangle tongue was through your dick?”
I muttered a surly “Fuck off,” but my smile emerged the second I turned my back to him. I couldn’t help it. Remembering what Tasha and I did together made me happy. Happy was a new emotion for me. I could get used to it.
Devlin’s phone chimed behind me as he was shutting off the lights. “Rena’s here. Let her in?” he said as I walked to the side door.
Then my heart stopped.
Rena was there, but so was Tash. I hadn’t seen her since yesterday morning. We had waited for Paul to leave for work before we came out of the bedroom (her request), and then I’d driven her home.
I didn’t realize until I was looking at her how much I’d missed her. I unlocked and pushed open the door. Rena grinned knowingly at me.
“I know,” I grumbled. “You know.”
“Oh,” Rena said, her smile turning evil. “But I know so much more than you think I know.” She winked at me before walking straight to Devlin. Then they started making out as Tasha and I exchanged glances.
“Hi,” she said, biting down on her lip. “How was your—”
Pulling her close, I kissed her. Sweetly. I didn’t care if Devlin was behind me. I only cared about getting a taste of my girl’s mouth and reacquainting myself with her flavor.
As delicious as I remembered.
She pulled her lips from mine, her eyes opening a second later. I liked watching her lips pull gently to the sides. I liked being the one who made her smile. I liked her, period.
“How was your day?” she asked, her hands resting on my chest.
“Good and getting better,” I answered. I’d even spoken a few times in the kitchen. I decided today that whether or not I stumbled over a letter, I wasn’t walking around mute any longer.
I hadn’t talked to Hamilton directly, but the sniveling salad guy had gone slack-jawed when I pointed and said, “Hand me that bus tub, Slick.”
It was priceless.
“Who wants a drink?” Devlin asked. “I’m buying.”