Page 12 of Lone Star Lovers
Her eyes went to the bracelet sliding up her wrist when she looped her arms at his neck. The letter F dangling there like a brand.
“Say it,” he demanded, claiming her with another deep thrust.
“I’m yours.”
Another thrust had her pulse thrumming anew between her legs.
“Whose?” he growled, picking up the pace. All of her overheated. She knew what he was asking. Knew what he wanted. Pen threw her head back and gave him the answer he’d earned.
“Say my name, beautiful.”
She did, on a shout. “Zach!”
The slide of his body against hers, the feel of his breath in her ear, the heat of his mouth on hers took her to new heights.
On another cry, she came again, and one more thrust brought forth his release. Sobering from her own tumble down Mount Orgasm, Pen watched Zach’s face contort into pleats of pleasure. The way his eyes squeezed closed, his lips peeled back from his teeth while his powerful body shook.
The almost surprised expression and awestruck wonder in his eyes.
He watched her for the space of a few heartbeats and then a familiar smile crested his handsome face.
She returned it, equally awestruck. Equally pleased.