Page 69 of Lone Star Lovers
His sister stepped out of the car into morning sunshine and Zach met her at the door.
“You’re up early.”
A large pair of sunglasses suggested she was out late. She propped them on top of her head as she came into the house, but her eyes were clear and alert.
“I was up late,” she confirmed, “but pregnant ladies don’t drink, so Penelope and I indulged in cookies and tea instead.” She shrugged her mouth. “Not a bad way to spend a Friday night, actually.”
She was at Penelope’s apartment?
“How is she?” he asked without hesitation.
“Funny, she asked the same question about you.” Stefanie offered a Ferguson-family smirk. “Do you have coffee?”
“I’m working my way through a pot now.” He followed Stefanie into the kitchen where she poured herself a mug and offered him a refill. He set the iPad aside and retrieved his mug. When he walked back into the kitchen, Stef was frowning down at the tablet.
“You are not going to buy an island.”
“Why not?” He refilled his mug.
“Are you moving there?”
“No.” Although if Pen kept ignoring him, an island would be the ideal place to live. “Maybe. I don’t know. I was going to buy it for Penelope.”
Stefanie scowled. “Seriously, Zach.”
“Seriously, Stef.” He opened his mouth to argue until it belatedly occurred to him that his sister was a woman.
He didn’t have a lot of women at his disposal. He had yet to poll a woman about how to move forward with Mission: Get Pen Back. And God knew Chase hadn’t been a lot of help.
“Is skywriting a better idea?”
“Man. This is bad.” Stef gave him a pitying shake of her head.
“I can buy out every flower shop downtown. Hell, I can buy every flower shop downtown. Is that...a better idea?” He palmed the back of his neck and leaned a hip on the counter. He was completely out of his element. “She didn’t respond to the baby clothes.”
“I’m not sure this is a situation you can buy yourself out of, Zach. If you didn’t have billions in the bank, what would you do?”
He drank his coffee. Partially to buy time and partially because the caffeine might help him think.
“If you couldn’t name a planet after her, what would you do?”
“A planet. Hand me that iPad.”
Stef narrowed her eyes in warning.
“I’m kidding. I feel like you’re dancing around a point.”
“Why are you doing all of this?”
“I’m winning her back.” Duh. Wasn’t that obvious? “We’re good together and as soon as I can get her to stop ignoring the truth...”
“Which is?”
He blinked at his sister. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
“Why are you good together, Zach?” she pressed.
He frowned. “What do you mean why?”