Page 72 of America's Sweetheart
Chapter 24
Allie’s mouth wraps around the tip of my dick and I nearly come right then. Eyes squeezed tight, I try to picture walking the aisles of Lowe’s to keep from being too turned on. But when I start thinking of words like “wood” and “screws,” it sounds kinky. Along with drilling and nailing and…
“Ah, fuck,” I breathe as she takes me deep. Deep, deep.
I’ve never had her mouth wrapped around my most favorite appendage before, and as a result I’m having trouble categorizing what’s happening. I want to come, but I also never want it to end. I also don’t want to come because I want to fuck her from behind on this couch while she screams my name. While I hoist that sexy dress over her perfect round ass and bang us both home.
Crass, I know. But I’m getting blown at the moment and there’s not a clean thought it my head.
She cups my balls and gently plays with them.
Involuntarily, my hips lift off the couch. “Allie.”
She hums, sending that vibration up my spine and exploding the synapses in my brain. I don’t know how I do it, but I grip my dick and palm her cheek, drawing out of her wet warmth.
She licks her lips and then smiles prettily. The cocky tilt of one eyebrow isn’t lost on me as I sit up and reverse our positions with her on her back and me hovering over her, every drop of blood in my body throbbing in one place.
“I don’t want to know where you learned how to do that.” My voice is little more than a growl, and now that I have that smile paired with her attention and those beautiful eyes on mine, I decide that this is the position we’re going to finish in.
“Keep those eyes on me, Allie. I want to watch the exact moment you come.”
She doesn’t argue as I tilt my hips and nudge her entrance, belatedly remembering the condom. I quickly apologize, pat my pockets for my wallet and roll it on in record time. I didn’t bother taking off my pants as I’m only slightly restricted by the waist of them hitting my thighs.
Allie’s a hot, delicious mess. Her perfect hair is mussed in the pattern of my roving fingertips while she was blowing me and blowing my mind at the same time. Her dress is sliced apart and who knows what it cost. She didn’t take me to task for ruining it and that’s just one of the reasons I love her.
I freeze, my brain blanking, my heart lodging firmly in my throat as the thought occurs.
I love her.
“Jax? I’m ready. Come on,” she encourages from beneath me, assuming that I’m frozen over her because I’m worried I’m too big or that she’s not properly lubed enough to accept me.
My eyes track back to hers and I sink deep inside her. I’ve already sunk deeper than I should’ve in another way. The heart-and-soul way.
Fuck. Rookie move.
She didn’t leave a single whole part of me when we broke up over the phone years ago. I’ve been in denial, which is my chosen armor for this particular situation. I’ve also been an idiot if I thought that I could be around her every day, sleep with her almost every day, and escape intact.
Truth? I don’t think I’ve been intact for a long time.
We’re joined in the most intimate dance possible and it’s like…
Fine. I’ll say it. It’s like coming home. I can’t believe I’m thinking that but there it is. It’s like being reunited with a chunk of myself that I haven’t been able to find. A chunk I didn’t know I was looking for until this moment.
I rest my head on hers as I drive deep, wanting to be able to lose myself in the act of sex. The raw, dirty, non-romantic kind. I’m dying to return to thoughts of her red mouth and round ass. Yearning for the kinky, blurry black-and-white moments rather than the flowery, sentimental full Technicolor one we’re participating in now.
Making love on her parents’ sofa after realizing I’ve fallen for my ex-girlfriend in what might be the dumbest move ever by Jackson Burke. I know better.
But my heart doesn’t.
I slow, my body giving in to my heart’s desires to treasure this moment and every long, intentional slide. To keep it on a shelf for when I wake up in the morning aching because she’s not next to me.
“Yes, yes…” Her eyes are on mine, her breaths escaping her lungs in truncated pants.
I cup her butt and tilt her hips, thrusting hard. She tosses her head back and lets out a shout of pure satisfaction. Blood roars through my body, igniting me as I give in to the surge of her shouts and the feel of her channel clenching tightly around me.
I come on a shout, aware of how small she is and careful not to rut her into the arm of the sofa. She doesn’t seem to mind, though, her hands inside my shirt, fingernails scratching my back in a hurts-so-good way.
The world goes black when I squeeze my eyes closed and ride out the orgasm. Not just any orgasm, though. No. A lovegasm. Those three words threaten to spill out of my mouth, but I stymie them by biting the muscle connecting her neck to her shoulder. I soothe her skin with a kiss next—anything to keep from blurting out the I-love-you bomb and making the best sex we’ve ever had also the most awkward.