Page 58 of His Forbidden Kiss
Taylor loped into her mother’s house for dinner, weighed down by everything life had thrown at her over the last month. Not only had Royce been further ignoring her, she’d felt a chill coming from Gia.
Taylor hadn’t meant to exclude her friend in the announcement of her pregnancy, but even Gia should understand why Taylor had gone to Royce first.
Gia would come around. Bran had been keeping his opinions to himself and Taylor hoped it wasn’t because he’d chosen sides. She wanted her baby to be born into a family overcome with love for their new addition, not upset over how the news was announced.
She’d been battling morning sickness lately too, so when she stepped into the house and the smell of garlic and grilled fish hit her nostrils, her stomach did a barrel roll. She sprinted to the half bath and emptied her lunch into the toilet, gripping the sides of the porcelain bowl.
“Good gracious, Tay!” Her mother rushed in and snagged a decorative hand towel from the ring, wetting it under the sink. Deena helped Taylor to her feet only to push her down on the now-closed lid as she flushed. “What on earth...?”
Deena dabbed the corners of Taylor’s mouth, refolded the cloth and patted Tay’s overheated cheeks. That mothering gesture was something she’d done when Taylor was young. Deena had always taken care of her. Just like Taylor would take care of her own child soon. With or without Royce Knox.
“What happened? Do you have the flu?” Deena examined her closer and then pressed the back of her hand to Taylor’s head. “Not too warm. But you look pale.”
Taylor hadn’t told her mother yet, and evidently Deena hadn’t heard from anyone. Now was as good a time as any. At least Taylor knew her mother would be happy for her.
“I’m having Royce Knox’s baby,” she announced, looking her mother in the eye. “Fish and I aren’t friends right now.” Even the word fish made her stomach toss. She took the towel from her mother as Deena righted herself. Her mother’s face broadcasted five different emotions simultaneously.
Joy won.
“I’m going to be a grandmother? I’m going to be a grandmother! It’s—it’s amazing!” She clapped her hands together. “How far along are you?”
“Nine weeks or so. I’m due November 27.” Taylor allowed herself to smile, too.
Deena’s response was pure and congratulatory. No judgment. Exactly how a mother should react. “Oh! I can make baby announcements! I have the cutest scrapbook paper I’ve been saving. Yellow ducks! Probably not enough for all the people we’ll have to send a notice to, though.” She put her hand to her chin in contemplation. “What if we send half ducks and half bears? A few sailboats? Is that tacky? Oh, who cares!” Deena crushed Taylor into a hug and mentioned again how excited she was to be a grandmother.
An hour later, Taylor and her mother finished their dinner—fish free, thanks to her efficient chef. They turned down dessert, and Taylor passed on the port in favor of a club soda with lime.
Only then did Deena broach the subject of—
“And Royce?”
“I’m not sure yet. He’s probably not sure yet. He’s been very...stoic.” That was a nice way to say he was acting like a horse’s ass. “It didn’t work out between us. Before the pregnancy, I mean.”
“Oh.” Her mother frowned. “You didn’t mention it.”
“I’ve been processing.”
“I understand. You’ve been through a lot.”
Taylor appreciated her mother not guilting her for keeping her news to herself. That small grace was huge.
“I’m not sure how involved Royce will be. When I told him he kept repeating the word ‘okay.’”
Deena clucked her tongue. “Well. You have my support. My undying support.”
“ThomKnox is his firstborn. I should have known better than try and compete. I hope he’ll make room for one more.” She put her hand on her stomach.
“I hope so, too, dear. Your father made room for you. Always.”
Taylor’s heart grew heavier. “He was a good dad.”
“The best,” Deena agreed.
They changed topics, Deena discussing the announcements and when to have a baby shower. They ended up in the craft room choosing scrapbook paper with ducks or bears or sailboats, and also a few sheets with little blue whales with starfish stuck to their bellies.
At one point Deena asked if Taylor would like to move back home. The answer was an easy no way, but she wouldn’t break her mother’s heart by saying so. She instead promised Deena ample opportunities to babysit once Taylor returned to work after maternity leave.
Regardless of Gia’s reaction, Bran’s nonreaction and Royce’s underreaction, Taylor chose to be happy. And if this pregnancy meant sacrificing the man she loved in order to give her son or daughter an amazing life, then that was exactly what she was going to do.