Page 26 of One Wild Kiss
The entire building had burst into flames.
At least that was what it felt like the moment Addi finally, finally sampled Brannon’s delicious mouth.
The kiss couldn’t have lasted longer than a count of three. He hadn’t ravished her while onlookers gasped. It was a simple kiss hello, but for her, there was nothing simple about it. For her, it was a slo-mo climax in a sweeping romance. Her senses were filled with the warmth of his mouth, the enticing scent of his soap and the low hum in his throat as he ended the kiss with a soft “mmm.”
Hand on her back, he steadied her where she stood and she schooled her expression.
He pulled her flush against his body and having nowhere else to put her hand, she rested it over his taut abs. Just for a second, then she decided it was more appropriate to dangle her hand at her side. God. He smelled amazing.
“Glad to hear we have Joe’s blessing,” Bran said. “He was very special to her.”
“The love of his life,” her mother said. She smiled at Addi’s suitor, appearing less disappointed that she’d failed to splice the Hart and Abrams family trees than before.
Addi’s family didn’t come from money, but they had it. They partnered with the right people, kept their wealthy alliances strong. Addi had heard so many behind-the-scenes conversations about how to “align” with wealthy people that she’d sworn never to use someone for her own financial gain.
Perhaps she’d course corrected too much.
Her job at Hart Media was fine, it was. But it was also not her calling. She wanted to work her way up, not be handed a position because of her status.
Her parents encouraged her to exploit their connections, to “get rich quick” rather than slow. Addi, frankly, didn’t gave a damn if she was rich or not. She only wanted to be loved. Love in her family came at a steep price.
“ThomKnox is a very prestigious company,” her father said to Bran, cheeks turned up into a plastic grin.
“Addi is exceptional, is she not?” her mother chirped.
“She is.” Bran gave her a squeeze. She liked his arm around her way too much. “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“And now you’re together,” her mom cooed, “which I’m sure will mean advancement in the near future.”
Before Bran wasted his time being polite, Addi spoke. This was one relationship she wouldn’t allow her parents to exploit. “I’m executive assistant for the president of ThomKnox. That’s pretty advanced.”
“She’s more than that.” Bran squeezed her waist again, his eyes warm on her. Not only had he not gone home, he didn’t seem the least bit upset over her leaving him to eat dinner alone.
Joe’s parents approached, and she saw the perfect excuse to duck out.
“If you’ll excuse us. Bran hasn’t had a bite to eat all day. Shall we?” She widened her eyes at her “date,” and he picked up where she left off, bailing her out beautifully.
“Another glass of champagne for you, as well. Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Abrams,” Bran added politely.
Her mother called after them as they left, “Lena and Kerry, please!”
Addi steered Bran to an unoccupied corner of the room as the Harts descended. “At least my parents have to be civil when they’re here.”
“That was them being civil?” Bran asked, his eyes going to the foursome. Joe’s mother embraced Addi’s mother and Addi felt suddenly bamboozled. Maybe things hadn’t been as tense as her mother suggested.
“My mom does enjoy making me feel guilty,” she murmured to herself.
“They want what’s best for you. Everyone’s parents do.” He snagged a glass from a waiter’s tray. “Champagne?”
“Thank you. For that. For everything. I’ve been...awful.”
“You’ve been incredible.” His smile was sincere.
Once they had a small plate of food each, she took her first full breath since she’d heard Joe’s letter. She and Bran stood at a highboy cocktail table with a candle in the middle. Reminded of their dinner last night, she once again found herself in the position of apologizing. This time, though, she meant it.