Page 38 of One Last Kiss
“I’ve never been so tired in my life,” Addison said, rocking the car seat on the chair next to her. “I’m not sure how it happened but she’s completely nocturnal. Do you think Bran is secretly a vampire?”
Gia laughed. She invited Addi out of the house for lunch, knowing that Bran’s wife was climbing the walls. Work was Addison’s favorite pastime, which she’d swapped for staying home with her daughter during her maternity leave.
The day was sunny and beautiful so they’d opted to sit outside at the swanky café midway between their houses. Soft jazz music played in the background interspersed with the light tinkling of silverware on plates.
“At least Quinn sleeps when you’re out of the house.” Her niece’s eyelashes cast shadows on her chubby cheeks, causing Gia to smile again. “And you know I can come over and help whenever you need me.”
“I know. You’re kind of awesome like that.”
“Best aunt ever.” Gia pressed her fingertips to her collarbone. She’d loved both her nieces on sight, couldn’t get enough of them.
She and Jayson hadn’t seriously discussed children when they were married. They were always waiting for work to slow down, or for things between them to settle. But now with two of the most beautiful babies on the planet in her immediate circle, she could admit she’d been thinking a lot more about the family she might have some day.
The problem was she couldn’t picture a man in the role of father to her children—save one.
Guess who that was?
Now that they’d had slept together twice, she wasn’t sure what she should be doing. Breaking up with him to search for Mr. Forever, who she was seriously doubting she’d find on that dating app? Or continuing with Jayson knowing that they wouldn’t work permanently?
“I feel like Royce and Taylor have been on their honeymoon for a hundred years.” Addison stopped rocking her daughter and ate a bite of her strawberry spinach salad.
“Right? He becomes CEO and then turns into a big slacker.” Which wasn’t true at all. Her oldest brother deserved a break.
“How is the tablet thing going?” Addi asked. “Have you and Jayson cracked the code?”
“Not yet. We’ve been working on it, though.”
“Must be hard to work that closely with him and not want to strangle each other. Or, you know, have sex in the bathroom.” Addi smirked.
Gia shook her head. “Knew that was coming.”
“Come on! Give me something. You have sex for the first time since your divorce and you’re not going to dish even a little?” Addi tilted her head. “Wait—that was the first time, wasn’t it?”
“That was the first time,” Gia confirmed, then offered a coy smile. “Though we did do it in the car five days before the divorce.”
Addi laughed, pure glee as she stabbed her salad.
“You’re enjoying this.”
“I really am. I haven’t been out much,” Addi said. “So, what else can you tell me? Now you’re working together and having sex all over the house?”
Gia lifted one half of her club sandwich. “Only once. By the pool. And it wasn’t a good idea. Especially after my date with Elias.”
“You went on a date?” Addi gaped at her. “Who’s Elias?”
“A guy I met on the app.” Gia bit the corner of her sandwich. “He was...” Not Jay. “Nice but boring.”
“Well, one thing’s for sure. With you and Jayson, things are never boring.”
Gia ate a french fry. Things between her and Jayson were never boring because they were unresolved. It was like there were arguments floating in the air between them. Things they’d never said as well as things that had been said way too much.
“I’m not sure what we’re doing,” Gia admitted. “Jayson and I. We’ve done this already—the whole shebang. Wedding. House.”
“You don’t have to figure that out now,” Addi said practically. Quinn cooed and Addi rocked the car seat.
“No, but we’ll have to figure things out eventually.”