Page 63 of One Last Kiss
“Jack offered me vice president.”
“He said ThomKnox is adding a VP position and I was in the running. He said that my being with Gia, and seeing through my promise to take care of her, would stack the deck in my favor.”
“What an asshole.”
“That’s Jack.” But that wasn’t all Jack was. He was also eccentric and grossly friendly. He loved his family with a fierceness that was hard to understand, especially when Jayson’s own father couldn’t have given two shits about him. But Jack also had a way of undermining his family when he had his own plans in mind.
“You weren’t seriously considering his offer, though.”
“No, I wasn’t.” Jayson shook his head. “Gia deserves it. She deserves the best. That’s not me.”
“That’s not you?” Mason let out a sharp laugh. “Give me a break. You know I know both of you, right?”
A frown pleated Jayson’s forehead.
“You’d break your own back trying to prove yourself worthy—trying to prove you’re not your asshole dad. Then when Gia doesn’t need you to handle her, you sulk.”
“Fuck you.” Jayson was aware he was sulking now, though, which pissed him off more.
“Listen, man. You chose a strong woman. That’s not a bad thing. Give her what she really, truly needs, though. Don’t just try and shine in her eyes. Okay?”
What she really, truly needs.
Jayson turned that over long after Mason went inside. Long after the air grew cold and his beer was gone.
Sometime during the night he came to a conclusion about what she needed. It had nothing to do with him or what he wanted.
He was going to have to give up what he wanted more than anything.
And he’d do it. For her.