Page 23 of An Ex To Remember
“Since Mom and Dad are next door,” Vic started, “tonight would be a good night for us to talk about the future of this ranch and what we’re going to do about it.”
“Which we’ve decided to leave to the authorities,” Nolan said.
“And by we, I am referring to the Grandins who own this ranch, not the twin brother of the man trying to wreck it.” Vic’s tone was lethal.
“You’re not over this yet?” Nolan tossed his napkin onto his empty plate.
“Heath trying to steal our birthrights out from under us? No, Nolan, I’m not over it.”
Aubrey touched Vic’s leg beneath the table. He gave her a subtle nod that said I’ve got this.
“In case you haven’t noticed, Victor,” Josh interjected, “we’re in your sisters’ lives for the long haul. Might as well accept that.”
“It’s Vic, and my sisters can speak for themselves. They were doing it long before either of you entered the picture.” A truncated silence descended, the room buzzing with tension. Aubrey wasn’t sure if the other men were being polite or if Vic’s air of authority had silenced them both. Vic eased back in the formal dining chair like a cat lounging on a sun-drenched windowsill. “As I was saying, the future of this ranch has always been clear. Our grandfather and our father decided when I was born that their namesake would be the one to run it.”
“Oh, here we go.” Chelsea held up her wineglass. “Someone top me off.”
Nolan poured more red wine into her glass. Aubrey was surprised when Vic smiled.
“We know what you’re going to say,” Layla said. “No need to ruin everyone’s evening while you restake your claim.”
Vic winked at Aubrey before linking their fingers and resting their joined hands on the table. What was he up to?
“I was telling Aub about the surveyor and the problems we’re having.” He sent a glance to Nolan, who narrowed his gaze in response. “And she brought up a valid point. Chelsea has long believed she deserved the top spot at this ranch.”
“Hello? Firstborn,” Chelsea said before taking a swig from her refilled wineglass.
“You’re right,” Vic said.
The entire table fell silent, most notably Chelsea, who was frozen into a solid block of Did I just hear that? She snapped her jaw shut and shook her mane of dark brown hair. “What did you say?”
“You are a force to be reckoned with, Chels. I’ve always believed as much. No one works harder than you on this ranch—” he nodded at his other sister “—unless it’s Layla. Believe it or not, what I do is more complicated than it looks. Logistics isn’t easy with the many moving parts on this ranch. You two are amazing out there in the mix, but I was taught to run the show from a different vantage point.”
“Lording over your sisters isn’t a vantage point,” Josh snapped.
“I wasn’t lording,” Vic said. “I was ensuring we turned a mean profit, a lot of which is thanks to my sisters. I could show you the financials, though I suspect my sisters have taken their fair share of peeks at them when they thought no one was looking.” His pointed gaze at Chelsea and Layla drew smug smiles from both women. “I could detail the long and tiring list of blowhards I have to talk to on a routine basis to keep our prices top dollar and our reputation squeaky-clean in this industry. I suspect your talents are better utilized in your own specialties. To quote Samwise from Lord of the Rings, what we need to do is share the load. Neither of you wants to deal with the bullshit I do each day, and I don’t have the skill set to do what you do.”
“Did Aubrey put you up to this?” Chelsea squinted one eye in suspicion.
Aubrey didn’t confirm or deny with her answer. “Sharing the responsibilities gives everyone what they want. Layla, you’ll have more time with Josh on your own ranch. Chelsea, you and Nolan will have more time together as well. It will also free up Vic’s time, so he can spend more of it with me.” She drew their joined hands to her chest and hugged his arm. “It’s win-win-win.”
Vic cleared his throat, shifting slightly in his seat. Aubrey didn’t mind sticking up for him. While he’d been bullheaded in the past about who should be in charge and why, he also worked very hard on this ranch.
“Thanks, Aub,” came his gentle reply.
“You’re welcome, Vic.”
He lifted his wineglass in a toast. “From here on out, the Grandin siblings aren’t going to allow Dad to have the final say in our future. We’re going to choose our own path—the same path. There’s no sense in us veering off in three different directions when we want the same thing. Even if you two—” he nodded at Chelsea and then Layla “—take some distance from the family ranch, I will still need your input. I trust you two more than anyone. We’re stronger together.”
Layla was the first to raise her glass. “Agree. Even though you cheated when we raced to the east fence, you’re right about the ranch.”
“I didn’t cheat.” Vic’s hoisted eyebrow backed his claim. “You cheated. You raced that gelding out of the stable and took both Titan and me by surprise.”
“The gelding’s name is Lester. And I’m faster than you and you know it.” Layla smirked.
Chelsea raised her glass as well. “I admit, brother. I don’t want any part of what you do. Dealing with the Texas elite and their brethren requires a degree in bullshit. Which we all know you have.”
“Thank you, sis.” Vic’s sincere acceptance of the insult set off a ripple of laughter around the table. Whatever tension had snapped in the air before had been defused. Nolan and Josh and Aubrey raised their glasses, and everyone drank to the Grandin family truce.