Page 20 of The Savage
“Wow.” I can’t get my head around this. “It’s like something out of a freaking book. What was your oath?”
“To turn our backs on love and remove our hearts. To free Angelo’s sister from a maniac and bring her back to us.”
“His sister?”
I’m confused and Ivan shakes his head, appearing quite sad. “Winter came to live with us at Rockwell Academy in our last semester. Angelo is her twin brother, and they lived the same life we all did. She was being married off after graduation to someone of her father’s choosing and she was afraid.”
“I’m not surprised. Who wants an arranged marriage?”
“Definitely not when the man is old enough to be your father and is the biggest bastard mafia boss in the world.”
“That’s disgusting.” I feel sick and Ivan growls. “Anyway, I don’t want to talk about it.”
He looks down and I’m a little surprised because something has slammed the door shut and I feel a pang when I think of the reason. It must be Winter. He must love her and it’s tearing him up, thinking of her with another man. For some reason, my appetite deserts me and I push my plate away and stare out at the clouds below us.
“You’re not eating.” His gruff voice brings my attention back to him and I force a bright smile onto my face.
“I’ve had enough. Thank you.”
He stares at me long and hard and then shakes his head. “Are you always so polite?”
“Of course, manners cost nothing despite the circumstances.”
He chuckles, which makes me smile. “What?”
“You. My perfect little English rose looking as if she’s taking tea with the queen, not the Russian bastard who kidnapped her and nearly got her killed.”
“Yes, well, some things can’t be helped, and you have to make the best of a bad situation.”
“Is that what this is, a bad situation?”
For some reason, he looks a little disappointed and I shrug. “I suppose it is, but it has its good points.”
“Is that so.” He laughs and looks me straight in the eye which makes me shiver with lust because quite frankly I think I’m heading down some kind of crazy highway with this handsome Russian that will only end up in one place—his bed.
“If you must know, the company isn’t as bad as I expected.”
“Is that right?”
“Yes, although I would have preferred more of a challenge.”
“In what way?”
He seems amused, and I lean forward and smile suggestively. “I had hoped he could teach me to be a better fighter, among other things.”
“Other things.” He cocks his brow and I shrug.
“Yes. Other things.”
“What are they?” The smirk on his face makes me smile because I love this easy relationship we’re building and, feeling bolder, I sigh. “It’s no fun being me, Ivan.”
“I’m crying for you, princess.” He rolls his eyes as I shrug.
“You think my life is easy and compared to yours, it is. However, like your friend’s twin, my life is already mapped out for me.”
“I’m still not buying it, baby.”
“Well, think about it. I was sent off to boarding school for most of my life and some may say I’ve done a life sentence already. There is no freedom in an English school, not for the wealthy, anyway. I am locked away with girls like me and kept separate from boys for our own protection. We are taught what it’s like to be a good wife and mother and how to charm the most suitable husband we can hook on our line.”