Page 24 of The Savage
He doesn’t give up and offers me his business card accompanied by a suggestive wink. “Call me and we’ll set something up.”
My manners make me lift my hand to take it, but before I can, it is rudely snatched away and a very angry voice says ominously, “The lady doesn’t need your service.”
I watch the blood drain from the man’s face as his card is thrust back at him and obviously the expression on Ivan’s face is scaring the shit out of him because he stutters, “Of course, forgive me.” before turning and looking in the opposite direction.
Once again, a low menacing growl reaches my ears as he repeats his words from earlier. “No talking.”
The frustration is tearing me up inside and biting my lip, I stare out of the window and try to calm my beating heart. I don’t know what to think, to feel, or to say anymore because nothing about my life is normal right now and yet I can’t lie, I am enjoying myself way more than is good for me.
Why is this woman so frustrating to me? Disobeying orders and striking up a conversation just to piss me off.
It did. It pissed me off big time and seeing that creep hit on her made me madder than hell. Nobody talks to her. Not ever. Even in her fucking soulless uniform she was a goddess but dressed in that lingerie as she calls it, underneath a dress that is clinging to her curves that makes me jealous of a fucking dress, has me imagining all the kinds of depraved things I want to do to her. I’m obviously not the only one and if I could, I would have shot this bastard at point blank range just for daring to speak to her.
I am officially screwed and losing my mind over a woman, and yet there is no future for us. Not together, anyway, and so I fight back the rage and try to calm the fuck down because the sooner this is over, the better for my sanity.
Only the thought of her anger at the name Malik chose for her makes me relax because I loved seeing the rage in her pretty blue eyes. I almost laughed out loud at the joke, but now the joke’s on me because he was sending me a message loud and clear. Stay away from the girl because if I went there, it would start a war.
Sometimes I wonder about Malik. He seems to know everything about us. Our movements, our darkest thoughts and anticipates the problems before they grow. It’s why Angelo trusts him so much.
Angelo, otherwise known as The Boss, comes up with the plans and Malik makes them happen. Flynn is our silent weapon, somehow having the ability to get into places none of us could ever imagine and Alessandro and myself are the muscle. The brawn behind the brains and together we make the perfect team. Thinking of my beast of a friend, my heart thumps with pain for him. He has more of an interest in Winter than anyone because I’m not stupid and understand they got a lot closer at Rockwell Academy than any of us thought. He is going through hell, and this will be more difficult for him because Angelo’s plan to free his sister requires Alessandro to surrender his soul to the devil, otherwise known as his grandfather.
Alessandro’s family history runs deep, and his grandfather commands the biggest mafia operation in Sicily. He wants his grandson to step up and take over from him, but he prefers to make movies in Hollywood and keep his distance from crime. In engaging his families help with getting Winter back, Alessandro must agree to his grandfather’s demands, and I know my friend, he will do whatever is necessary to bring her home which is why I must push aside my own desires and do what’s right for my friends. All of them.
A dark cloud settles across my heart as the demons claim another soul because Charlotte Richmond is off limits in every way, and I should engage in damage limitation before it’s too late.
As the aircraft touches down in Zurich, I set my mood in place knowing the next few days will be the most difficult yet and it has everything to do with the fact I will be locked away in a house with the delectable woman sitting in front of me and if there was ever a test of my resolve, this is it.
As soon as the door opens, we are first off, and I hold her hand tightly to remind her she is my prisoner. Somehow that appears to have been forgotten among all the drama and this is a dangerous situation we are in now.
As we walk quickly along the tunnel, I say harshly, “Remember to play your part. Anybody could be watching us and I’m not talking about the officials.”
“What do you mean?” Her voice is a little slurred, which doesn’t surprise me given the wine she drank and knowing Charlotte, I’m guessing she’s not used to alcohol.
“I mean, even if you think you’re safe, it’s doubtful you are. You have probably every mafia family in the land looking for you right now.”
“Are you kidding me?” She sounds horrified and I snarl. “Open your eyes, Charlotte. You are a mafia princess whether you like it or not, and your dearest daddy is the king. Your best chance of survival right now is holding your hand, so do everything I say and don’t question me, got it?”
“Yes.” She sounds sulky and I’m guessing, like me, she’s bored with this shit already. We are sleep deprived, hungry and running on adrenalin and so the sooner we get to safety, the better for both of us.
I’m surprised when she grips my hand hard and says in a steely voice, “Listen, I’ll play by your rules, but on one condition.”
“You think you’re in a position to start issuing conditions?”
It makes me laugh, and she says angrily, “Yes, I do, you fucking arsehole, because one scream, one word in the right ear and you will be carted off to Alcatraz before you can breathe out.”
“Alcatraz isn’t a thing anymore. You’re so deluded.”
“Well, similar then, but I have my demands and you need to meet them.”
She sounds absolutely furious, which is the side of her I love the most and so I bite back a grin and say roughly, “And they are...?”
“Answers. I want you to tell me everything, the whole sorry tale, and let me make up my own mind about what I want.”
“You have no choice.”