Page 37 of The Savage
“Is everything ok?”
“It couldn’t be better. This place is a fucking palace.”
His low laugh tells me I’ve caught him in a good mood, so I don’t even hesitate.
“I need a favor.”
“Which is?”
“You need to arrange a priest. I’m getting married to Charlotte.”
His silence tells me everything, and I steel myself for what’s coming, but to my surprise, he just says,“Congratulations.”
“You’re not mad.”
I’m astonished and a low laugh echoes in my ear.
“It was always a possibility.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I understand you, Ivan, and you’ve always been a sucker for a pretty girl. I also know that you’ve never spent two days in the company with the same one and spending time with a woman who looks like Charlotte was like pouring gasoline on an open fire. You see, Ivan, I kind of get how that can hit you because it happened to me. I’m guessing Flynn can say the same, so yes, it was always a possibility, because we all want the same thing.”
He laughs out loud. “I’ve learned true power comes from the women we fall in love with. I’m guessing you’re experiencing that now. You will do anything for her, despite the personal cost, and that is why I know you’ve fallen hard.”
“But Winter? It could screw things up.”
“Only if we reveal all our cards.”
For the first time in this conversation, I breathe a sigh of relief and remember who I’m talking to. We call Angelo the boss for a very good reason because he is the brains behind everything we do. He sees things none of us even anticipate coming and has an answer for every eventuality. Knowing him, he will have planned for this and already has a priest on speed dial who can be available at a moment’s notice.
“So, as I said, congratulations. You get married in the morning. 9 am. There is no time to hang around.”
“Have you heard from Massimo?”
I’m curious about that and Angelo’s low laugh makes me smile.
“It was amusing watching him tear down cities for information and call in every favor he’s owed. It wasn’t long before word got back to him about your trip to Russia and I heard he’s spitting fire that you got away. It won’t be long before he connects the dots that lead him to you, so the sooner we arrange your flight to Sicily, the better.”
“You mean he knows we’re here?”
“I’m guessing he will discover that soon enough, so we must always be one step ahead. Alessandro is currently dealing with his grandfather and as soon as we receive orders to show up there, we continue to observe and react to the situation.”
“And Don Majerio will agree?”
“I know he will agree. He wants Alessandro by his side and will honor any deal to make that happen. We want Winter and he will make the arrangements to bring her home.”
“But Charlotte?”
I falter as I say her name and Angelo says in a softer voice.“Leave it with me, my friend. I’ll figure out a way we all get what we want, except Massimo, of course. That will be the sweetest part of the plan. Revenge.”
He sighs and says wearily,“I must go. There is a lot to organize. Pass on my commiserations to your bride. I’ll send flowers.”
His low chuckle is soon cut off as he ends the call, and I’m happier than I felt a few minutes ago. I’m not sure why I ever doubted his own loyalty. We are blood brothers and that counts for a lot. It means everything knowing I have his support and now I must care for a woman I crave more than anything in life. It’s up to me to determine our future, and if Massimo thinks he’s taking her from me, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening.