Page 43 of The Savage
“A little.” I wince as it burns and I wonder if this is normal.
“It will be sore for a few days. I’ll take it slower next time.”
“I liked it.” I’m blunt and to the point and his low laughter causes me to smile against his chest.
“You are full of compliments, aren’t you, princess?”
“And you love hearing every one of them.”
His arm tightens around me, and I feel his heart beating against my cheek as he says gruffly, “You’re mine now, and that means forever in my book. There’s no getting away from me now.”
“Thank fuck for that.” I laugh softly. “You had better honor that promise, Savage.”
His sudden laugh makes me smile and then, to my surprise, he spins me onto my back and cups my face in his hand. “Thank you.”
“What for?”
“For being the woman I am proud to call my wife. For making me believe in miracles and rescuing me from hell.”
“I’ve done nothing.”
“Trust me, princess, you have done everything, and I will make it my life’s work to keep you safe.”
As he kisses me deeply, I pull him even closer because there will never be a minute of every day that I won’t want to be in this position. Why would I ever want to be anywhere else than against his impressive body with our souls fused together, shutting out the world?
As the kiss deepens and my body responds to it, I love how his cock presses against me and requests permission to enter for the second time. As he slides in slowly, I enjoy every delicious minute of it and don’t even care that I’m painted with his sticky cum. I want the whole of him, whatever that involves because one things certain, I regret nothing and despite the circumstances that brought me here, this is a fairy tale and I’m the princess who found her prince.
We wake the next morning and as I openly stare at the sleeping woman beside me I have never been so happy. Her limbs are tangled with mine and her soft breathing causes her to look so perfect in my arms. Charlotte is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and as she sleeps, her features have relaxed, revealing she deserves that title. I could watch her all day and despite the fact I want to wake her up and carry on where we left off last night, I’m content to watch her and reflect on the best day and night of my life.
We spent the rest of it fucking, cleaning up, eating and fucking again. Greta left food outside the door, and we saw nobody at all. We just stayed in our room and as honeymoons go, this was the perfect one.
There is not any part of her body that hasn’t felt my tongue as I made certain to own every inch of her. It became an urgent need to mark every piece of her skin with my scent and brand her as mine. Just experiencing her soft body against mine makes me physically ache for her and I’m not sure what I would do if this plan doesn’t work.
Then there are her parents. Lord and Lady Richmond. My father texted me in the night telling me her father had paid what he owed the Bratva and was expecting her to be returned to him today. There are so many balls in the air, but the only ones causing me concern are my own that are demanding to be buried deep against her throbbing pussy. My head hurts with trying to figure a way out of this mess so I can keep her beside me the entire time.
“Ivan.” Her soft husky voice makes me turn my attention to my wife and seeing the perfect beauty in my arms reminds me I’m the luckiest bastard in the world.
“I love you.”
Her words hit my heart like an ax splitting a log because I never once imagined that love would ever feature in my life.
She smiles and, opening her amazing blue eyes, she stares at me with so much emotion I forget to breathe.
I reach out and stroke her delicate face and whisper the words I never expected to say. “I love you more.”
“No, you don’t.” She giggles and the light dancing in her eyes makes me smile and I pretend to growl irritably, “Are you arguing with your husband already?”
I can’t prevent the shit-eating grin from splitting my face as she nods playfully. “I am.”
With a growl, I pounce and trapping her beneath my body, I say roughly, “Perhaps I should dish out the consequences of that. It’s obvious you need reminding who’s in charge around here.”
“Maybe I do.” The desire that lights her eyes tells me today could be interesting in more ways than one and as I kick her legs apart, I drive in hard and deep, her agonized scream wrapped in desire.
As I hold her hands above her head, I thrust in hard, loving watching her stretched out under me, groaning as her body takes what it needs from mine. This act of love and domination reminds me of who I really am as I fuck my wife like a savage. Brutal, hard and extreme, exactly the kind of morning treat I love that causes the heat to flare, the excitement to build, and the day to start off in the perfect way.