Page 14 of The Beast
I am surrounded by well-meant actions, but I want them to go. I want to be alone with my beautiful woman and it will take a strong man to tear her from my arms.
Charlotte kneels on the other side of me and takes her hand, causing me to snarl, “What are you doing?”
Her firm response reminds me why she is a match made in heaven for my irascible friend as she ignores the undercurrent of anger in my voice and says firmly, “Checking for a pulse. We need to assess the situation and just holding her and hoping she’s ok is not going to work I’m afraid.”
She looks at Portia and says briskly, “We need to clear some space. Move some of these tables and bring more napkins to stem the blood flow.”
She looks at my grandfather and says firmly, “Go and find the emergency first aid kit in this place. They must have one. It’s the law, you know.”
To my surprise, my grandfather doesn’t even question her command and then she places her hand on my arm and says with a hint of steel in her voice, “Is she breathing, Alessandro?”
“Yes.” My voice shakes and I hate the emotion that is filling my heart.
“Good, we need to check her vital signs.”
I can’t even speak and as Charlotte searches for a pulse and checks her breathing, I allow her to fuss around Winter like the best emergency room nurse as I openly stare at the woman I love and whisper, “Winter baby, please open your eyes, it’s Alessandro. Angelo is on his way. You’re safe now.”
At the mention of Angelo, I hope to God Ivan is briefing him now and as the door opens to the restaurant, I barely register the person entering until my grandfather says, “Alessandro, the doctor is here. Stand aside.”
I can’t even move and just the thought of moving away from Winter is like a knife to my heart but then Charlotte rests her hand on my arm and says softly, “The best way to help her now is to let the professionals work their magic.”
I know she’s right and as I tear myself away, it’s like a physical punch to the gut as the doctor does what he was trained to do.
It doesn’t take long before the restaurant is filled with activity as the paramedics arrive and crowd around Winter. Charlotte stands beside me and places a comforting hand on my shoulder, reminding me I’m not alone in this, even though it definitely feels that way.
I try so hard to drag my mind back to business and my hand shakes a little as I type out a text to the Boss.
The target is down, but Winter was injured. Meet us at the emergency room. She took a blow to the head when she fell. The paramedics are here now. I’ll go with her.
I watch as the team lifts her onto a stretcher and the doctor says loudly, “We need to get her to the hospital. Vital signs are good, but she’s unresponsive.”
My grandfather nods and catches my eye and I see the pain in his as he sighs. “Keep me informed.”
I nod and as I follow the medics out, I pray to God to bring Winter back to me because I would sell my soul to the devil a million times over just to see her smile again.
The ride in the ambulance is short and sweet yet seems to last a lifetime. All the way to the hospital, the medics do their stuff, leaving me sitting watching, feeling more helpless than I have ever felt in my life.
As soon as we reach the hospital, she is whisked away and I am left to wait in the hope they can bring her back to me.
Almost as soon as she disappears through the doors, the emergency room fills up with more black suits than a wake as Angelo storms the building with his usual entourage. The fear on the nurses faces is almost laughable as Angelo’s men do what they are trained to do and cover every exit and glare with menace at anyone who dares to look at them. As Angelo rushes to my side, the pain and fear on his face will live with me to my dying day.
“Where is she?”
I jerk my thumb toward the door and say huskily, “She fell and hit her head on the corner of the table. She has a head wound and is unconscious.”
“But she’s alive.”
“She’s alive.”
Angelo nods but I can tell he’s shit scared, and it strikes me this is what it’s like to be helpless and I don’t like it at all.
The nurse approaches us tentatively and says with a slight catch to her voice, “Um, we have a private room you can wait in. Perhaps you would all be more comfortable in there.”
She glances at the soldiers who just stare around them with no emotion and Angelo nods. “Thank you.”