Page 54 of The Beast
“We keep him alive and when Winter remembers what he did to her, we will have our revenge. There is not a chance in hell I will allow him the easy way out. He may not experience physical pain, but I will become a master at mental torture. If I do nothing else, I will make his last days on earth a living hell and he will pray for death to come and claim his twisted soul.”
Malik drops down in the seat opposite and grins. “Everything went according to plan. Word on the street is that Massimo suffered a catastrophic stroke, reducing him to a vegetable. His daughter will inherit his wealth and her husband the business.”
I look across at Ivan, who is listening to Flynn and Winter and as I catch his eye, he nods toward the door.
After excusing myself from my friends, I head over to Winter and my heart lurches when she lifts those beautiful eyes to mine, and it’s like a physical dart to my heart. As I drop a light kiss on her lips, I whisper, “I won’t be long.”
“Where are you going?” She looks fearful, making me second guess my decision, but Flynn catches my eye and nods toward the door, mouthing, “I’ve got this.”
Turning back to Winter, I run my finger down her cheek and say huskily, “You know Ivan, always spoiling for a fight.”
She laughs softly and rolls her eyes. “Go and have your fun. I’ll be right where you left me.”
It’s like a physical pain stabbing me as I walk away from her, but Ivan’s right. I need this, he needs this and I’m guessing Winter needs this because the sooner we get back to normal, the better it will be for everyone.
* * *
I followIvan to the gym and as we walk, he growls, “Fuck, I need to let off steam.”
“You have a wife for that.”
He laughs out loud. “Do you honestly think I want to do this to my wife? You’re one sick bastard.”
“I heard she can fight.”
I grin as Ivan rolls his eyes. “Charlotte believes she can do a lot of things, but her fighting skills are basic level. She has more cultivated ones that interest me more.”
“Where is she?”
“With the others. Angelo wanted tonight to be about Winter. To ease her back into our lives gently and try to make her feel safe and loved. She’ll get to meet the women tomorrow, but for one night only, we’re heading back to the past and I can’t wait to find out how complacent you’ve become.”
We reach the gym and waste no time in ripping off our clothes and enter the ring naked, save for our Calvin Klein’s.
As we circle one another, It’s as if a huge weight has lifted because now, in this moment, I can channel my aggression and let off some steam.
The first blow hits me hard and my breath is winded in my body as Ivan growls, “You’re a little rusty, Beast.”
In answer, I swipe my fist and catch him low in the stomach, but he merely laughs before kicking my legs from under me, causing me to slam down hard on the ground.
For a few painful moments The Savage reminds The Beast what it’s like to lose and, with an angry roar, I gather my mind and focus on the only thing I need right now. My rage.
As we slug it out, it’s not pretty, and the air becomes thick with blood and perspiration. The agonized roars and feral groans disturbing the usual peace as we batter one another in a much-needed show of aggression that I’ve been holding onto since Winter left.
As we brawl like backstreet fighters, it clears my head and brings with it the realization that Ivan was always the only man who could beat me. He is obviously fighting his own demons and with every punch, every kick and every blood coated bruise, it regenerates our souls and reminds us exactly who we are. We will always need each other. We are evenly matched and have our own set of rules. It’s good to be handed my ass from time to time, and I will only accept that from him.
Time has no meaning in the ring and as the last punch falls, we groan on the floor, battered and bloodied but so high on adrenalin I would go again if my body could take it.
“Fuck, I needed that.”
Ivan gasps beside me and I nod in agreement. “It’s been a long time, Savage.”
“Too long.”
“So, what’s it like to head up a family, especially one as fucked up as Massimo’s?”
Ivan pulls himself up and leans against the ropes, and I follow him as he laughs softly. “It’s good man. Those fuckers can’t believe their luck. The tales they tell are of one fucked up pile of shit.”
“I don’t even want to hear them.”