Page 57 of The Beast
“What happened?”
“I knew he wasn’t my husband. Don’t ask me how, it was just a certainty that was never in any doubt. We were never intimate, thank God, and all I had was a burning hatred for the man who sat before me.”
Angelo looks as if I’ve stabbed him with a knife as he says through gritted teeth, “I never wanted you to be in the same room as him again.”
“It was necessary.” A little of the fire returns to my voice as I challenge my twin. “In order to fight, I need every weapon I can get. Before seeing him, he was just a name, a fearful memory and the monster in the shadows. When I witnessed how he is now, it neutralized the fear in an instant. He can’t hurt me again and the table has turned. Now we have the power, and it was the one thing I was sure of.”
“What?” Malik is quick to ask, and I say with anger controlling my voice, “He needs to live to suffer for what he did. A slow and agonizing death because something’s telling me even that is too good for him.”
The pride in Angelo’s eyes makes me smile and then he turns to Malik and growls, “See what you can find out. I want to discover everything about Massimo and his life. There must be something we can use to torture him with. That man will learn what it’s like to be the victim for once and this time death will not be an option. We will make him pay for what he did to my sister, and I’m counting on you to come up with the best way to make that happen.”
Malik nods and it makes me smile, witnessing the look they share. There they are, my mafia warriors and Angelo is right. Far from fearing who I am and what I became, I should celebrate the fact that it’s made me the survivor I needed to be.
We drag our sorry asses back to the others and the look of horror on Winter’s face makes us all laugh. I suppose we do look a sight as the bruises develop and the blood smears across our naked chests.
Malik rolls his eyes as Flynn grins and shouts, “Who won?”
“We all did.” I smile as I drop beside my woman and love the lust that sparks in her eyes as I take her hand.
“We are all winners here. Wouldn’t you agree, baby?”
She nods. “I most definitely agree with that.”
She seems concerned. “Are you hurt?”
Ivan snorts from across the room as he tosses me a beer.
“Childs play.”
She rolls her eyes. “I see it’s business as usual.”
“It’s been a long time.”
I wince as I catch a sore spot, and Winter shakes her head. “When will you ever grow up?”
She fixes Ivan with a stern expression. “You should know better. Save it for your enemies, not each other.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” He drops her a wink, and she turns to me and shakes her head. “I’ll never understand you; either of you. Why put yourselves through this? It doesn’t make sense?”
Flynn shrugs. “They use it to let off steam and I’m guessing they’re both feeling better now because of it. Me, I prefer sex. What can I say? I’m a lover, not a fighter, and I always will be.”
Malik twists his lips into his evil grin. “We all have our preferred method of release.”
“I dread to think what yours is.” I growl at him, and he shrugs. “I get no complaints.”
“That’s because they probably can’t recall it.”
Flynn digs and Malik nods. “That can be one of the side effects, but I’m working on it.”
“What are you even talking about?”
Winter looks confused and Angelo says with a grin, “It’s best you don’t ask. Malik prefers to torture his partners first. He calls it foreplay. Well, at least it is for him.”
Winter shivers beside me and it makes me laugh as I whisper, “Talking of which.”