Page 25 of Love Buzz
“As I stated at our first meeting, I have no intention of giving up custody of Clementine.” Theresa nods. “But I am okay with her meeting Leo’s family, if they would like that. Supervised, of course. She would be so scared if I wasn’t there.”
Theresa smiles. “A kind gesture. Not many would be so nice. Not after everything you’ve had to deal with on your own.”
“I like to offer second chances. We all make mistakes. If Leo’s family would like to meet her, it’s only fair of me to allow it.”
“I will make note of it in your file, but we won’t be mentioning this until the hearing. If we bring it up now, they may push for more.”
“Sounds good. Thank you for everything you’ve done so far. Don’t know where I’d be without you.”
She offers another smile. “I’m here to help you win and relieve you of legal stresses. In the meantime, don’t let this wear you down. Enjoy your life. You’re an excellent mother and don’t deserve any undue strain.”
At this, I question my being with Jonas. Now is the perfect time to ask the proper person. “Theresa, I have a personal-ish question.”
“Does it look bad for the case if I am in a relationship with someone other than Clementine’s father?”
Theresa cocks her head and studies me a moment. “Why would you think that?”
At this point, I don’t know. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure how the court would perceive it. Leo’s family has money and can no doubt provide for Clementine. I didn’t know if me being in a relationship would make me vulnerable. An easy target. If they could say my time is divided and not solely focused on Clementine.”
Theresa scoots the paperwork aside, laces her fingers, and sets her hands on the table as she leans in. “Autumn, you are allowed to be in relationships. Long term or short, doesn’t matter. You are allowed to continue living. Allowed to be happy, as is your daughter. I encourage you to be in a relationship. Lean on someone. Share the burden of this situation. Don’t take it on alone if you have others willing to stand by your side.”
Several people tried to tell me the exact thing Theresa said, but an unsettled part of me needed to hear it from her. Someone who knows the outcomes of cases like mine with different variables. In her twenty-plus years of practicing, she has surely seen every possible case out there. Has fought for women with similar circumstances.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. Especially from you.”
We stand and she walks me out. “Don’t worry about a thing. Do what is best for you and your daughter. If that includes you being in a relationship, then you do it.”
I give her a quick hug and am a bit surprised when she returns the gesture. Theresa is more than my attorney; she’s a friend too. And more than anything, I am grateful to have her fighting my case.
Leaving her office, I drive down the road with a smile on my face. Minus Clementine’s outburst this morning, it has been a great day. Better than the previous twelve. And I hope it continues to get better.
I make a quick stop at the sub shop Jonas and I ate at during one of his lunch breaks. After I study the menu, I order us both sandwiches. Even if I didn’t remember the correct sub, he won’t care. Once the food is ready, I hop back in the car and drive up the street.
As I pull in the lot of Thompson’s Garage, my pulse whooshes behind my ears. My breathing morphs from a walk to a sprint. With the car in park, I close my eyes a beat and work to settle my nervous body.
Our texts have been so abrupt—my fault, if I am honest. And he was so upset when he left my apartment a couple weeks back. Will he forgive me for my irrational fears? Will he take me back with open arms?
God, I hope so.
I turn the key until the engine quiets and look over at the bays, spotting Jonas right away. His gaze locked in my direction. I swallow hard, grab the food bag, and exit the car.
Here goes nothing.
A familiar rumble echoes across the lot. The rumble any mechanic would automatically recognize as a classic car. When cars are created different ways, with different components and materials, they just sounddifferent. Most newer cars are quieter—unless they have major issues or added upgrades. But classics have this low purr-like roar.
I roll out from under the pickup I work on and scan the lot. Sure enough, a black Bel Air I know all too well is parking near the office.
Rising off of the creeper, I stand, pull the red rag from my coveralls, and wipe my hands. I stare through the windshield at Autumn as she locks eyes with me. Feels as if I haven’t seen her in years.
She breaks eye contact when she fetches something on the passenger seat and gets out of the car. Without a side-glance, I toss the ratchet in the general direction of the toolbox. When a loud clang rattles, I give myself a mental high five.
Autumn walks my direction—cute as fuck in a dress that makes concentrating impossible. The navy material V’s at her bust, but doesn’t dip too low. It hugs all her curves and stops at her knees. Large white buttons start to curve from her left hip to the base of the fabric at her midline. White accents the base of each sleeve, the neckline, and the waist. And like a cherry on a sundae, two houndstooth bows rest near her shoulders.