Page 30 of Love Buzz
Dad sets down the wrench in his hand and steps closer in my direction. “What’s he doing here?”
“Hell if I know. Probably stirring up shit. Seems to be his thing.”
“You need me with you?”
I subtly shake my head. “No, but stay within earshot in case he causes problems.”
Dad pats my shoulder. “I’m here.”
Leo steps out of his pricey car wearing an even pricier suit. He scans the garage as if he doesn’t see me twenty feet away. When his visual perusal stops on me, a smug grin lights his face. He closes the door and presses the fob, locking it as if someone might steal his precious car with him feet away.
Ten feet from him, I stop. The distance between us intentional. I know next to nothing about this man, but he has done nothing but piss me off and upset my girls. No telling what I will do if I get within a foot or two. So, for now, it is in the best interest of us all if I keep my distance.
“What can I help you with?” I continue wiping the oil and grease from my hands to keep my mind distracted.
He takes another step closer. I don’t move. But if he gets much closer, I will have to divert him. Distance from him is best no matter what goes down.
“You need to back off.”
I know he refers to my relationship with Autumn and Clementine, but I plan to play coy. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Maybe you’re as dumb as you look.”
“Best if you think before you speak.”
He cocks his head. “Like I said, you need to back off.”
Less than five minutes has passed and I already want to punch him in the face. In my periphery, Dad takes a step forward but doesn’t say a word. He will go to bat for me—and the girls—without hesitation. Dad may be a kind and forgiving man, but no one steps on him or his family.
“Well,Leo, seems as if you’re confused.” The skin between his brows bunches then relaxes. “Seeing as you have no claim.”
This pisses him off. Within seconds, his posture shifts. He leans in closer. Takes another step forward. Balls his hands into fists at his sides. Curls his upper lip. “Hate to break the news, lowlife. I have more claim than you’ll ever have. That little girl… she’s mine.” His voice climbs an octave. “And if I want Autumn again, she will be mine.”
I grind my molars and breathe through my nose. I don’t give a fuck what this prick says, he will never get Clementine and he was too chickenshit to stick around for Autumn. His loss. All my gain. And that knowledge alone fuels the beast within.
Throwing my head back, I laugh. When I meet his eyes again, he looks even more pissed.Good. Asshole.“You may have donated sperm to the cause,Leo, but you have zero claim on that little girl. You lost that privilege when you left her mom high and dry. Pregnant and alone.” I point my finger at him and inch closer. “Your money won’t win this war. Best if you leave and crawl back in the hole you squirmed out of.”
Leo’s face turns a brilliant shade of red. The color nothing to do with the sun beaming down on us. He is livid. Furious I called him out in front of other people. Made a mockery of him. He should be angry—at himself. No one but himself put him in this position. He has no one else to blame.
“Best if you watch your back, lowlife. You think money can’t win this war? Who knows, maybe you’re right. But it sure as hell can make things highly uncomfortable. Unpredictable. Unsafe.”
Now I step forward. Resist every urge inside me that says to knock him to the ground. I have to—for Autumn and Clementine. I lean in closer and laugh when he jolts back. “You threatening me? Threatening Autumn? I’d watch what I say next, if I were you.”
He takes a step back. Then another. His shitty smile dons his face. “See you around, lowlife.” He unlocks his car, gets inside, and drives off a moment later.
Until he is out of sight I don’t move, don’t breathe. Dad steps up to me and rests his hand on my shoulder, and I inhale for the first time in too long. “Go sit in the office and cool off. I’ll close everything up.” I close my eyes and nod. When I open them, Dad stands inches to my left. “Everything will be fine. Just keep Autumn and Clementine safe. Keep them front of mind at all times.” Dad gives my shoulder one last squeeze and heads back in the garage.
I go to the office and pace. Think over how I will explain this to Autumn. She needs to know her ex is threatening people. Threatening her and Clementine. She needs to inform her attorney. No way this is acceptable or allowable, especially with the case open.
I will tell her. Later. Not yet. Not when my synapses are firing on overdrive. After I calm down and can properly articulate what just happened. Last thing I need to do is freak Autumn out after we have just returned to a better place. Either tonight or tomorrow, once I have had time to let his words simmer and digest.
Until then, though, Autumn and Clementine shouldn’t be alone. Not with him tossing threats around like beads at Mardi Gras. Leo is scrawny. But who’s to say he won’t pay someone else to do the dirty work. Isn’t that what people with money do?
I fish my phone out of my coveralls and unlock it. Pulling up the text history with Autumn, I type out a message.
Jonas:Hey, scarlet. Almost done at the garage. Any dinner requests?
We may have only just decided to pick things up where they left off, but I have to ease into asking things of Autumn.