Page 42 of Love Buzz
The female officer directs me to have a seat. Unyielding plastic digs into my hips as I sit down. Minus a few framed photos of her with fellow officers or superiors, her workspace appears as sterile as my booth at the shop.
She extends a hand across the desk and I shake it. “Officer Martinez. I was told you need to file a harassment report.”
“Yes. I’m in the middle of a custody suit and my daughter’s birth father has begun harassing my boyfriend.” Opening my purse with shaky hands, I retrieve the note. “Friday, the birth father went to my boyfriend’s place of business and provoked a verbal altercation. This morning, when my boyfriend left for work, he found this on his car.” I hand the note to her. “My attorney advised me to come here and file the report before giving her the note.”
Officer Martinez takes the note and studies it momentarily. “Bear with me, I need to ask you questions and document everything. Shouldn’t take long. Please answer as openly and honestly as possible.”
For the next thirty-plus minutes, Officer Martinez prattles off question after question. Some in regards to Jonas, others in reference to Leo. I provide her with as much detail as possible. She scans the note into the digital file and hands it back. With the note being touched so much this morning, she said the likelihood of lifting prints from someone other than me or Jonas is low. Before she walks me to the front, she prints off a copy of the report and hands it to me along with her business card.
“If anything else pops up, reach out.” She points to her contact information on the card. “I may not respond immediately, but will as soon as possible.” I nod. “In the meantime, I suggest being vigilant. Stay aware and steer away from any possible interactions unless your attorney is present.”
“Thank you, Officer Martinez.” We shake hands again.
“You’re welcome. Stay safe.” With that, she leaves me in the reception area.
Penny peeks up from her phone, locking it and rising when she spots me. “Done?”
“Yeah. Now, to Theresa’s office.”
I tuck the report and note in my purse on our way to the car. The second I click my seat belt in place, Penny backs out of the parking space. I prattle off the address for the office and direct her where to go. Thank goodness, the drive to Theresa’s office takes less than ten minutes.
Inside, Penny does the same as at the police station and waits out front. In the conference room with Theresa, I relay what Officer Martinez said, then hand over the police report and note. An unfortunate side effect of no prints or detectable handwriting, the police cannot point the finger directly at Leo without further evidence.
Theresa keeps the original documentation but makes copies for my records. “I submitted a request for an earlier hearing date. Should receive a response soon. As soon as I do, I’ll reach out to you. Meanwhile, steer clear of Leo, if possible. If he approaches you or Jonas, call the police. With a report filed, it will reflect poorly on him if an officer arrives on scene.” We rise from our seats, and before leaving the conference room, Theresa gives me a hug. The embrace comforts me and I return it. “We’ll get through this. Until then, stay strong and lean on people you trust.”
“Thank you,” I say, breaking the hug. “Doing my best.”
She walks me back to the front and reminds me she will be in touch. Stopping here hasn’t wiped away all the anxiety and stress, but knowing I have a team of people on my side helps ease it slightly.
Penny and I stroll out to the car, the adrenaline buzz from the morning fading as it inches closer to midday. We get in the car and sit quietly. Penny doesn’t start the car or turn the key to kick the radio on. For a moment, we just breathe in strength and exhale the bullshit.
Until Leo reappeared, life had been low-key and kosher. Yes, my romance life was snore-worthy until Jonas came into the picture, but I had been content with sharing all my time with Clementine. She is the most important person in my world and her happiness is more important than my own. Little did I know, me being in a loving relationship boosted her happiness.
After a deep breath, Penny starts the car and steers us out of the lot. “Don’t know about you, but I’m ready for this day to be done.”
“Me—” My phone buzzes in my purse and I dig it out. Clementine’s school name flashes on the screen. I rush to answer. “Hello?”
“May I speak with Ms. Rooker, please?”
“This is she.”
“Hi, Ms. Rooker. This is Daniel in the front office of Clementine’s school. We have a gentleman here, not on the approved list, who is trying to take Clementine out of school early. He will not identify himself. We have denied him, of course, but need to notify you.”
I stop breathing.What the fuck is going on?!I have no clue what the hell is going on in the world, but all the walls are caving in. Seems if it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Like my and Clementine’s life are some big game to toy with.
“Is the man still there?” Penny glances at me, wide-eyed.
“Yes, ma’am. He refuses to leave without Clementine.”
I inhale deeply and ball the hand not holding the phone into a fist. My nails bite the skin and I welcome the reality check. “If possible, don’t let him leave. I’m on my way. He isnotto leave with her.”
“We will keep him here as long as possible.”
“Thank you.” I disconnect the call and face Penny. “We need to get to Clementine’s school. Now. A man is trying to withdraw her from school.”
“What the actual fuck?” Penny belts out as she changes course and speeds toward the elementary school.
“My thoughts exactly.”