Page 52 of Love Buzz
In and out. In and out. Every movement fluid. Pulsing. With each new thrust forward, he picks up speed. Adds more weight. Hits that spot inside me harder. Builds me up and makes me cry louder.
He slides his hand from my throat to cover my mouth. Presses hard but doesn’t mask my nose. “Let go, Autumn.”
Sweat drips from his chin to my chest. My eyes roll back and I focus on every sensation he creates. The heat from our skin on skin friction. The sweat slickening our flesh. His girth and strength and stamina. His weight pressing down on me, pounding into me. But most of all, I focus on the love we share.
I fist his hair. Bite his palm. Cry out against his skin as my body has him in a viselike grip. And as soon as my muscles relax, he leans back. Drops my legs to the mattress. Peppers kisses wherever his lips reach until he lands on my lips.
And then he moves again. Slower. Measured. His palm caressing my cheek, my temple, my brow. Down my neck, my breast, the side of my belly, my hip. He makes love to me. Unhurried. Every touch and stroke and caress deliberate and tender.
“I love you, Autumn.” He rocks forward. “More than I ever thought I could love another person.” Forward again. “And I don’t want a day without you by my side.”
Reaching up, I frame his face in my palms. Meet him stroke for stroke. “I love you, Jonas.” My eyes roll back. “Never thought anyone would matter the way you do.” I moan as he drops his lips and delivers an evocative kiss.
Our bodies move in synergy. Steady and unyielding. Constant and loving. Building. Blooming. Higher and higher.
“Look at me, scarlet.”
I open my eyes and lock on his gaze. The orange near his pupil glows wild. My body on the brink and he knows it. Feels the way my body starts to grip his tighter.
“Love you, Autumn.” His admission all I need to set myself free.
I quiver as my body grips him tight. “Love you, too.” And Jonas releases inside me. Lips on mine. Our love sealing every crack our hearts ever held.
Jonas shifts to lie beside me, tugging me close. He envelops me in his arms and kisses my forehead, my nose, my lips. His touch adding a new layer of timbre or resonance to the buzz swimming in my veins.
No other time in my life compares to this. Loving Jonas is magical. Sublime. Irreplaceable. Before him, I never pictured myself happy with someone else. My priorities were set in stone and immovable. Or so I thought. Now, I never want to picture a day without Jonas. Without his joy and warm heart in my—and Clementine’s—life.
I snuggle farther into Jonas’s frame. Grip him tighter. “Good night,” I whisper against his chest. “Love you.”
He gently strokes my hair before kissing the crown. “‘Night, scarlet. Love you, too.”
* * *
The house is unbelievably quiet when I wake. No snores or tip-tap of dog nails or whispered conversations from a little girl and her dog. Which surprises me with how bright the sun filters through the blinds. Has to be past nine, although I have zero intention of moving to check.
While everyone sleeps, I decide to daydream. Fantasize over what life would be like with Jonas. Dream of sharing a bigger home and maybe the pitter-patter of more little feet. Going to weekly Wednesday night dinners and gaining a family. A family much larger and more loving than my own knew how to be. Affectionate people who love to see me and ask how my life has been. Remarkable people who don’t criticize or judge who I am or what I enjoy.
They just care forme.
I picture a life with Jonas full of endless smiles and hearty laughter. Of sitting on the patio, cuddled in each other’s arms, and listening to the cicadas chirp and fire crackle. Of teaching Clementine—and future children—how to ride a bike or grow gracefully into adulthood. I picture all of this and so much more.
And it stirs me to life. Heats my blood and quickens my pulse. Has me desperate for Jonas. To taste him on my tongue. Feel him skin to skin. Hear the hitch in his breath as he climbs higher and higher.
Without second-guessing, I dip beneath the sheet and wake Jonas with my tongue on his flesh. And I feel it. The moment he rouses from sleep. The moment it dawns on him I have my lips wrapped around him.
The more I lavish him with my tongue, the wetter I get. He swells in my mouth; close to climax. But before he releases down my throat, he hauls me up and positions my hips over his. Just as I start to protest, he lifts his hips and pushes inside me. The most unladylike groan rips from my throat.
I slap my palms to his pecs and rock back. Every thick inch of him stretches my walls. Strokes with precision. Drives me wild.
With his grip firm on my hips, I lift my hands to my breasts and palm them while I ride him. We set a relentless tempo. My fingers pinch and tug my nipples as I tip my head heavenward.
“Fuck, you’re bewitching,” Jonas grunts out.
Then he sits up, hands still on my hips. I wrap my limbs around him like tentacles and lock him in place. He fists my skin tighter, slams me up and down his length. Paints my skin with his breath. Groans in my ear. Dampens my skin. Presses his forehead to mine and holds my gaze. The room smells of sex and forever.
I weave my fingers in his hair, clamp down, and yank his head back. “I want you dripping down my legs.”
He groans louder as his eyes roll back.Slap, slap, slap.Our hips collide with violence. His jaw slackens; opens wider. His cock grows impossibly thicker inside me.Slap, slap, slap.