Page 54 of Love Buzz
“Definitely food. Not so much of the decor. I’d rather spend the money elsewhere.”
An idea sparks. “Let’s figure out the food and drinks, then stop and pick up tiki torches. They’re tropical and we can use them year-round.”
We lounge out back a little longer before heading in and planning the menu for tomorrow. Once the shopping list is made, we shop early on so we can relax the remainder of the day. We purchase several tiki torches at the home improvement store to strategically place around the yard. Then leave the grocery store with four armfuls of bags.
The back half of the day is spent lounging on the couch with movies and books and cuddles. Lazy weekends had never really been my thing, but they are growing on me fast. Who knew just being around the right person made everything perfect?
After dinner and more movie time, we shuffle off to our rooms and call it a night.
Once Autumn and I wear each other out between the sheets, I tug her against my chest and easily fall asleep.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
I startle awake and glance at the clock. Four in the morning. Autumn shoots up and holds the sheet to her chest. “What was that?”
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Spartan runs out of Clementine’s room and barks in the living room. Is someone breaking in?
I jump out of bed and throw on pants. “Stay here,” I tell Autumn. Bolting to the living room, I peer through the blinds and scan the porch and yard. But I don’t see anyone. The motion light kicked on and illuminates most of the yard. I scan every inch thoroughly, stopping when I see Autumn’s car.
“What the fuck?”
Autumn peeks her head out of the bedroom but doesn’t step out. “What is it? Is someone out there?”
I walk back toward the hall and point toward Clementine’s room. “Go lie with her,” I tell Spartan. He jogs past me and runs into her room, jumping back on her bed. When I reach the bedroom, I search for a hoodie and my phone. I step into Autumn and frame her face in my hands. “Please stay inside while I check your car. Looks like someone busted your windshield.”
Her chin wobbles as her eyes glaze over. “Please be careful.”
I lean down and kiss her. “Always. Stay inside.” She nods, following me to the living room and sitting on the couch.
Walking toward the front door, I grab the baseball bat I stash in the corner. I stare out the peephole before opening the door and stepping out. Everything is quiet as usual. With each step I take, I scan my surroundings again. The motion light flips on as I step into the sensory field. My eyes dart left and right. Ears zero in on the slightest sound. The closer I get to Autumn’s car, the more the hair on the back of my neck rises.
“Fuck,” I mutter as I get within feet of her car.
The windshield isn’t just busted. In all honesty, it looks as if someone pummeled it with a sledgehammer. The glass isn’t just webbed. It is thoroughly destroyed. Hammered so many times the glass is caving in. Bashed to the point that the glass is as clear as a blizzard.
I grab my phone from my back pocket and open the camera, taking several pictures. Pocketing my phone, I reach for the note under the wiper blade. Walking to the end of the drive, I glance up and down the street and see nothing out of the ordinary.
I unfold the paper and growl.
I warned you.
Throwing my hands up, I shake my head. “Too chickenshit to come at me? Not man enough to discuss this face to face? Breaking shit and leaving notes doesn’t scare me. And you’re no man. Just a fucking coward.” I want to scream and pound my chest, but I maintain my composure before heading back inside.
In the house, Autumn runs up to me. Eyes scanning me head to toe. “What happened?”
I explain what happened to her car and the new note. She covers her mouth and shakes her head. “Come here,” I tell her, opening my arms. I hold her a moment before bracing her at arm’s length. “Need to call Dad in a bit, so we can tow your car to the shop. Should also update the police report with the incident.”
“Why?” Autumn whispers. “Why do this? What does smashing my windshield gain?”
I take a deep breath and circle my thumbs over her shoulders. “Probably trying to rile us up.”
Does this piss me off? You better believe it. Will I cave to this juvenile behavior and the cowardice threats? Not a chance in hell. There is too much at risk to allow my emotions to take over. No, I need to remain levelheaded. To be the real man in this scenario.
After checking the locks on the doors, I guide us to the couch and lie down. “Let’s rest a little longer. Then we’ll get up and take care of this.”