Page 1 of Catastrophe Magnet
It’s beenfour months since my lastincident, and I’m ready to get back out there.
I’ve been doing extra training with Snow and Ariel and tagging along on their retrievals whenever I can. They still get all protective big sister on me when they think the skipper is too dangerous, but they let me come most of the time.
Having four overprotective older sisters really blows sometimes. I wish they saw me as one of them as opposed to an accident-prone baby who needs constant supervision, so I must prove I can be as good as they are.
Bounty hunting is our legacy, and I’m the only one who isn’t allowed in the field.
I might have had a few mishaps in the past, but they were all accidents and rarely my fault. Like if the last guy had tied his shoelaces like a freaking adult, he wouldn’t have tripped and fallen down the stairs, resulting in a broken collarbone, nose… and a few teeth.
Smoothing my clammy hands down my black turtleneck, I drop my gaze to Bosco, my British bulldog sidekick, best friend, and emotional support pup. “We’ve totally got this,” I tell him, infusing my tone with confidence. His itty-bitty stump of a tail wiggles relentlessly as he nuzzles my leg, and then we’re off, striding into my dad’s corner office at our family business, Hunters & Co.
I wrap my knuckles against the open-door frame, then stop just inside with Bosco hot on my heels. “I’m ready to take on my own case,” I announce.
My dad’s gaze lifts to me, and he slowly shifts back in his worn leather chair, lacing his hands over his flat stomach. I wish I could read his expression, but he gives nothing away. I swallow, then move farther into the room, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, my shoulders stiff, my back ramrod straight.
After a prolonged, awkward as hell silence, he finally speaks. “And what makes you think you’re ready, princess?”
Dropping a hand to smooth my fingertips over Bosco’s big head where he’s positioned by my booted feet, I clear my throat. “Well, I’ve been doing extra training, which has really helped improve my coordination. Snow and Ariel have been taking me along with them, and when they can’t, I’ve tagged along with Kline. I’ve also practiced arresting Val like a hundred times, over the Christmas and New Year break. I’m ready.”
Dad’s lips tug to the side, and I think he’s at least considering it, but then he asks, “Is that why Valentine’s covered in bruises?”
I scoff. It totally is, but I’ll never admit it to my dad. Not while I’m trying to convince him to put me back in the game. “Uh no. He probably has some freaky sexual fetish or something.”
Val pops his head in, glare fixed on me. “Hey! I heard that. I have very normal sexual desires, and they very rarely result in bodily harm, thank you very much.”
Rolling my eyes, I shoo him away, then turn my focus back to my dad.
I can read his smirk loud and clear. He doesn’t buy it. But he lets it go, his gaze dropping down to a small stack of files on the corner of his desk. A tiny spark of hope blooms in my chest, and I cross my fingers in my lap as my teeth sink into my bottom lip.
Never underestimate the power of silence.
I squirm in my seat, anticipation gnawing at my insides.
I shoot out of my seat and throw my arms around him before he can get another word out. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
He hugs me back until I release him and return to my seat. His smile is wide and full of love as he shakes his head at me. “There are conditions though,” he says.
I nod. “That’s fine, I can do conditions.”
“You don’t even know what they are yet.”
“I don’t need to. You said yes, that’s all I need right now.”
He frowns, a deep wrinkle forming between his brows. “Kida, you need to know the conditions before I hand this case to you. And you need to agree to them.”
“Fine, hit me.” I give him thecome at mehands.
“Valentine has to go with you—”
I open my mouth to protest, but he narrows his eyes, so I slam it closed again.
“You can run point, but Val will be there as a precaution. This is non-negotiable. And if there’s any blood, tears, broken bones, or anything else worthy of note, you’re benched for a year.”
My jaw drops open. “A wholeyear?”